Your First Kiss

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Jaden Yuki

You and Jaden were chillin' in the meadows near the school yard. You were on his lap, leaning your head on his shoulder while he had his hands locked around his head, his eyes closed. You smiled up at your boyfriend. He looked so peaceful and adorable right now. "Hey, (Y/N)?" He asked all of a sudden, opening his eyes. "Y-Yea?" You replied, a bit startled by the outburst.

"Can I try something?" Jaden asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. You nodded. "Okay, but, can you close your eyes first?" Jaden asked. You could tell he was really nervous about this, and nodded, closibg them as told to. Jaden was hesitant at first, but soon, he tilted your head a bit up, leaned down, and softly kissed you.

Your eyes shot open as you realized what Jaden was doing. Your eyes fluttered closed again, melting into the soft, gentle kiss. After what seemed like forever had passed, you two brok apart, looking deep within the others eyes "I...just wanted to try that...did you like it?" Jaden asked. You nodded, saying, " was soft and sweet...just like my man..." Followed by a short giggle.

Cyrus Truesdale

You and Cy were sitting on a hill at night, stargazing again. "H-Hey, (N/N)~Chan?" Cyrus asked nervously. You asked your head from his chest, since you were sitting on his lap, and looked into his yellow eyes. "Y-Yea, Cy..." You said. Cyrus took a deep breath, before moving on.

"C-Can you c-close your e-eyes for a s-sec? I w-wanna try something...." Cyrus stuttered, blushing a bit. You blushed too, but nodded, and closed your eyes. Cyrus took another deep breath, and leaned forward. His lips lightly brushed against yours, causing a sweet, gentle kiss to take place. You were shocked at first, but you fluttered your shocked eyes closed as you enjoyed the moment with him.

When Cyrus pulled apart, he was blushing madly. "D-Did you~". "I didn't like it Cy..." You said, causing his heart to drop and for him to turn his head in embarrassment. You then quickly turned his head around back to face you and added, "I loved it." Cyrus then smiled a bit, his heart fluttering again.

"I don't just love it, though..." He whispered to you, causing you to look confused. "I love you, too..." Cyrus said. You blushed. "I love you too, Cy..." You whispered.

Chazz Princeton

You and Chazz were sitting in one if the high trees in the afternoon after classes had ended. You both looked up at the sky, just aimlessly pointing out weird shaped clouds and giving them names. "Hey, (Y/N)?" Chazz called out to you. You turned your head, but instead if meeting a straight face, you met a pair of lips on yours. You knew it was Chazz's though, and closed your eyes to enjoy the moment.

Chazz smiled onto the kiss, holding you close to him. He then proceeded to lick your bottom lip, but you pulled away before he had a chance to. "Not gonna happen, Princeton. You gotta earn that privileged." You teased, kissing his nose. He blushed, and grumbled playfully. You smirked and kissed his head,then laying yours on his chest.

Zane Truesdale

You and Zane were hanging out in the meadows at night. You nuzzled up to his chest with his string yet gentle arms around you, keeping you warm. You smiled, and kissed his cheek. Zane chuckled. "Hey, (Y/N), can you close your eyes for a sec, So I can try somthin?" He asked, a gentle smile on his lips.

"Sure, why not." You said, looking up to him Wth the same gentle smile before closing your eyes. Zane slowly leaned down, and locked your lips together. You were shocked at first, but soon melted into the soft and passionate kiss. You two pulled apart after a few minutes. "Wow....that was....amazing..." You breathed from surprise.

Zane chuckled again. "I'm glad you liked it..." He said, before swooping in for another kiss.

Jesse Anderson

You and Jesse were in his dorm room, watching movies. He just had to pick a scary movie. You would squeak and jump whenever there was a jumpscare, and clench onto his jacket in fear. Then, there was one part of the movie that made you so scared tears filled your eyes. Jesse soon caugt ointo this, and brung you closer to him.

"Shhh, its okay, (Y/N), the movie's over now..." Jesse said soothingly, trying to shush your whimpers. When this didn't work, he decided to try something he'd been meaning to do. He pulled your head up so hat you could look at him. He then leaned down and brushed his lips against your, causing a sweet and gentle kiss to take place. You were shocked at first, but soon found yourself getting lost into the kiss.

"Well, that helped, didn't it?" Jesse mumbled against your lips. You smiled, pecking his lips. " did..." You whispered to him.

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