That Secret

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_____ it's lunch time
so I grab my lunch and I sit with my siblings.
"Well you finally sit with us!" Jasper says
"Well Gavin's jerk squad is with him today and you guys are my brothers and sisters and Emmett," I say to them
"Well don't I count as your brother?"
"Yea adopted just kidding your my brother that's why i said brothers,"
"And Emmett you said,"
"I was being sarcastic!"
"Oh ok,"
So we sit there for lunch and get up at the same time and we here whispers. and there was a new student.
"Those are the Cullen's they are weird!" The person said
And we just laugh and walk away in our little group.
"Weird yea cause we are the Cullen's! I say
"Yea she's right we don't need to put up with this anymore!" Alice said standing next to me
"Don't we have a assembly today?"
"Then we ask to make a speech during the assembly!" I say
Then the bell rings and we go to the office.
"Ah Cullen's your parents are here!" The administrator said to us.
"Guys you know the routine," Esme said
"Ok maybe another time," I whisper to them.
So we walk out and get in our cars and head home.
"Well we didn't see the sun until a few minutes and I lied and said a family emergency,"
"Ok dad we are gonna go to our rooms,"
"Yea just do what ever hunt just stay out of the city."
"We know Carlisle," rose said
so we walk away.
"Who wants to hunt?" I say and everyone said yea cause my thirst was kicking in during lunch.
So we walk out to the woods and we start running.
Then we see gavin in he meadow
"Guys slow down gavin," I whisper and stop and start walking.
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"We got signed out for personal reasons,"
"Did I say we I mean me,"
"Emma is there something your not telling me?"
"No would I lie to you?"
"Well I got to go," so I wave and fast walk and then I met up with them.
"Well it took you long enough," Edward said
"He talked a lot now let's go I still smell him!" I say and start running.
So I find I elk and a mountain lion and I was 'full'.
Run back home.
And open the door and I had blood on my face a little and gavin was there.
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"I think your hiding something from me,"
"Mom can I talk to you?"
So we walk out of the room.
"Can I tell him?"
"Emma that's up to you,"
"When I'm around him I become very his scent is strong to me he irresistible."
"Hun you can tell him but make sure he can keep it a secret or the voltouri will comes after us and him and kill him,"
"Ok I am gonna tell him,"
"Ok let's go!"
So we walk in.
"Emma are you sure?"
"Yea dad I'm sure,"
"Ok gavin your not gonna believe this but I'm a vampire!"
"What stuff like that doesn't exist,"
"We'll let me show you!" So I run around house in 5 seconds.
"Whoa they do exist,"
"Yea please don't tell anyone or we all will be under a death sentence."
"Ok you know that i will never betray you cause I love you!"
"I love you too!" I say to him
"Hey guys what happened?"
"Uh well I told him about us!"
"Wait all of you guys?"
"Yea that's why people call us weird and paler face?"
"Ok that's weird I'm gonna go I have to be home by 7:30 for this special dinner,"
So he left.
now that is off my shoulders
"Wow hope he doesn't tell."
Next at school at an assembly so we can make our speech.
"Ok now the Cullen's would like to say something that I've saw and heard about this so it's on you guys," so we all walk to the front.
"Hey guys," and everyone looked at us.
"Well you guys have been calling us weird well yea we are weird everyone is weird so I want you guys to stop calling us weird cause how would you like it if it was the other way around it kind of hurts we don't like it cause it hurts our feeling." I say and alice takes over
"What you guys said we don't like it it is like someone is hurting us on the inside."
"Thank you!" We all said and walk off the stage.
Tomorrow will be a good day..... I hope.

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