"I made the team!"

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"Ok so how many days?" I ask confused
"Um 26 days calm down." Edward said in a brotherly tone
"I can't there are going to be like cops interrogating me."
"There are really old if anything Aro is just gonna read your thoughts." and he whispers the part where he started at Aro.

"Hey guys what's up?" Bella asks walking in.
"Well Emma here is over reacting." Edward says

"Kids get ready for school."
Esme says and her you better do it or I'll kill you tone.
"Hey sweetie how'd you sleep."
"I didn't sleep I didn't want to."

"Well you have to."
"Momma just because I am a human and a vampire doesn't mean that I have to sleep all the time."
"Fine just get dressed." she says and I sigh and walk upstairs

I get my skinny jeans out and I realize I have volleyball tryouts today.
So I get my gym bag out and put my volleyball practice clothes I used to wear at forks and I put my tennis shoes in there. I say the bag on the ground and found my purple blouse and I put that on too and I zip up my new black high heel boots.

------------at school----------
I am in class 5 minutes until I go to the tryouts.
Then the bell rings and I jump out of my seat and I walk to the gym.

I walk out of the locker room with my gear on and sit down.
"Ok newbies get out there and show us what you got."
So I did what I was asked and I gave it my all until she said to stop.
"Wow Cullen your good- hey your the win who hit the game winning shot for forks high."
"Yea and I can't wait to see if I made the team!"
"Well I will put them up now and when your done changing then come and see." the coach said and I did and I was the first one out.

I walk up to the board and these were the names listed
Casey axel #12
Haley baker #5
Lindsey Carson #17
Emma Cullen #1
Asher crowmwell #11
Annie Emerson #25
Jenna Kelley #6
Jamie Linder #13
Lilly Matthew #14
Riley miner #15
Kylie James #18
Charlotte O'Brian
Dylan Sangster #24
Alex shunner #20

"I made the team, and I'm number 1!" I squeal and hug the girl Jenna Kelley

"Cullen here's your shirt I already had it made." She says tossing it to me it said Cullen with a number one on the back.

"Thank you coach-"

"Larson jesica Larson."
"Thank you coach Larson."

No thank you for trying out."

"Hey you." That Jenna girl said
"Me." I say point to my self
"Yea I'm Jenna Kelley wanna be friends?" She said with a small smile

"I would love to be your friend!" I say and she walks away
-------at home-------
I get out of the car walk toward the door.
I open the door to find everyone in the family.
"Hey guys I'm home and I got some news." I say walking toward the family room

"Well today I had tryouts and I just did what I always done and I made the team!" I say and they all clap in excitement
"And here's my jersey." I say holding it up
"Your number one emsters." Gavin says
"I know and quit calling me Emsters." I demand

"Chill out girl I'm just proud of my girl." He says pulling he into a hug

"Hey I was wondering if we could sing in the talent show together?" Gavin asks with puppy dog eyes I couldn't resist those
"Yea what song?" I as ky throwing my hair over my shoulders
"How about a thousand years by Christina perri with Steve Kazee."

"Yea that's a good song and it's about 2 people who love each other and we love each other so it's perfect."
"But Bella we can't." Edward says walking toward the meadow
"Oh hey guys what are you doing here?" Bella says and Edward looks at me

"Emma leave now this is our meadow and you and Gavin are nothing together so just drop out!" He shouts and anger boils inside me
"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!" Bella says and slaps him across the face.

I start running I had to get away so I run to my tree and climb it and sit on a branch.
"Emma!" Gavin yells
so I wipe my tears away and just sit
"I'm up here." My voice cracks a little and he climbs up and hangs

"Have you been crying?"
"Yea I'm going home." I say jumping down and walking to the house and I go inside and I slam the door and everyone stares
"Uh hey guys."
"Are you alright?" My mom says holding my shoulders
I start to shake my head yes then I start to cry.
"No momma I'm not." I say crying and gasping for air
"well what happened?" My dad says
"Edward- preform-me-Gavin- nothing."
"Edward get in here right this minute young man." Carlisle said and he walks in with his hands I'm his pockets.
"Hey what do you need."
he ask looking at the floor
"Why are you yelling at your sister why are you telling her she can't do anything?" Carlisle yells

"She's my little sister and I don't want her to get hurt."

"But Edward by doing that your hurting me, by telling me this stuff your hurting me Edward I can take care of my self I am old enough to do all the things by my self, I'm smart, and mature enough to take care of myself."
"I don't think your old enough.

"Edward I'm 109 I can take care of myself, I'm old enough to make my own decision just stop getting in my way I'm of doing that."
"I thought I was protecting you but I guess you don't need that anymore."

"Edward." I whisper
"Come on you know I need you your my big brother it's just that I don't need to be protected all the time."
I say with tears steaming down my face
"Hey don't cry please that just make things worse."
I just stand there crying and I start sucking it up and I speak
"I know but I forgive you."

I hug him.

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