Meeting aro

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A month as cracked down to a couple of days. Maybe 4 1/2 days to the most there is already snow on the ground it has been for a week straight. Alice and jasper came back a few days ago.
Everything Alice said is coming true no other courses.
--------time to meet Aro------
We walk to a pure white field and stood with gavin.
"Here we go." I say and gavin grabs my arm. We hear foot steps and they start coming forwards. They finally come to a stop.
"I see 2 new faces I'm the front." Aro says and I tense up.
"I'd like to meet them."
So we step forward and Edward and Emmett follow us.
"Ah you must be Emma Cullen, and this is your newborn mate I suppose?" He says and I nod and give him my hand everything that has happened over the last few months it's Aro's now too.
"Ah you have a mortal and immortal talent but you seem to have suck the life out of any innocent human."
"I wanted to be like her I was the one who wanted to do this not her." Gavin said shouting.
"Gavin sweetie I got it ok."
"Ok sorry."
"Demetri take him away."
"No!" I scream and grab him
"A little defensive huh, her as well."
"No Aro she is just really over protective." Edward says.
"Stop!" He says holding up his hand to motion stop
So he let's us go and we walk over and walk away.
"Aro are we good now?"Carlisle said
"Not quite, Carlisle."
"What do we have left to do."
"We will punish this young lady for turning a human into a immortal for no apparent reason."
"Actually I had a reason."
"Then what would that be."
"To save my family to make sure everyone is alive by the time we finish this."
"Well if that's your reason your free to go but don't think we will forgive you."
He says and every one starts to walk away then they run vampire speed. And I fall into the snow cause if jane she was still there and Gavin came down to make sure I was able to stand up but I couldn't
"Emma are you o- Jane." Bell says and uses her shield.
She stops cause Aro makes her and she walks away. I get up and hug Gavin and he kisses me. Then Esme Carlisle kiss and Emmett and Rosalie and then alice and jasper and Bella and Edward, and a few others.
We are alive. The voultori didn't kill anyone nor attack.
This place isn't a living hell after all.
Ok guys going to be writing the epilogue next and this will be the first book I've published thank you so much for reading my story I hope with my new account I will rewrote this and publish it there cause I think that it will disappear so thank you and I hope you liked it

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