Talking and newborn

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I knock on Gavin's door.
He opens the door.
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"I'm ready Gavin I'm ready now." I say walk through the door
"Emma are you sure what happened?"
"Me and Carlisle got into a huge fight." I say putting my stuff down and walk up to him. So he pulls me close and I press my lips to his. He picks me up and sits on the couch.
"I'm really glad you want to do this but not here." He said and I got up we walk to his room and close the door and the window. We start kissing and he sits me on his desk that he never uses.
And finished what we started.
--------- the next morning-------
He was still asleep so I climb out of his bed and put my clothes on and he wakes up.
"Hey where are you going?"
"No where I'm just getting dressed." I say and he gets up and puts his on.
"Well we have to go to school," he said
"I'm gonna try my best to avoid my siblings."
"Cause they'll try to take me home to my parent and Carlisle."
So I get dressed in new closed and we headed to school. We got out of the car and everyone looked at us.
I spotted my siblings but I looked away.
"She's here don't force her to come home ok she needs space to cool down."
"No I'm taking her home during lunch I have a plan," but Ignore them.
And walk to class.
I have my first period class with jazz he'll leave me alone hopefully.
I walk in and I sit where I usually sit. I could feel him staring at me. I finally turn around cause he was using his emotion control.
"What do you want?"
"Well Carlisle wants you home."
"Too bad I'm not coming home."
"Well I'm not forcing you."
"Please don't jazz I really don't want to get yelled at." And I turn around and class started
---------later at lunch---------
I grab my lunch and sit at the table with my siblings.
"I'm going home." I say and they just ignore me "well bye then," I say and walk out of the lunch room.
I say I threw up in the bathroom and I cleaned it up and I headed home but grabbed my stuff at Gavin's then headed home my dad was home an he caught me
"Look sweetie I'm sorry." he said and I gave him a hug
"I'm sorry too dad I never meant for that to be said but I'm glad to be home."
"Me too now never scare us like that again where did you go?"
"I stayed at Gavin's but don't worry we didn't do anything like that." I say and thought to myself 'but we kind of did'
"Ok well I'm heading to work,"
"Ok dad what about the sun?"
"Then I'll stay here and the others are here." He says and walks to his office.
A few seconds later my siblings walk through the door.
"Hey you came home!"
"I was only gone for the night," I said
"So Emma can I talk to you?"
"Yea sure let's go up to my room." I say and run human speed up there and Edward follows
"I read your mind during when you talked to Carlisle and did you do anything with gavin?"
"Yea and you know what's the big deal?" I say crossing my arms
"Well is he bruised any?"
"No for some reason I have human like abilities I can cry I can do everything except use the bathroom."
"Wow that's a very rare gift, we have to tell Carlisle."
Then he walks in
"No need wow my daughter has human like abilities we have to tell the voltouri!" My dad said proudly
"Dad what about gavin I told him they could kill him!"
"Well we have no choice but to change him too if you want to save him from getting killed if you want to save us to that too."
"Ok I will ask." I say and then he is at the door way
"I will do it right now!" He said
"Who's gonna?"
"Well I think you should do it honey."
So we walk down to my dad's room of equipment.
"Are you ready?" I say and he nods
"ok here goes nothing." I say then I bite him. He screams in pain then he falls asleep and a few hours late he wakes up.
He is like us now he survived!

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