School day

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We arrive at our new school and we were getting stares so we get out and walk in our group with me and Gavin are at the end then Bella and Edward then jazz and Alice then Rosalie and Emmett. We walk into the office and collect our schedule and go to our lockers and they were all right next to each other which was awesome since we were 'siblings' not really. I looked around on the poster and I found a volleyball tryout forms so I grabbed one then a girl walks up to the board and talks to her friend
"Did you see that hunk of a guy I think his name is Gavin He is so cute!" She says and I tense up
"Uh I think every girl does."
"Yea but I'm the only one that gets to sleep with him he's mine and no one else's and I'm the one who gets to have him."
Then he walks over to the board and the girls start drooling.
"Emma come on we got to go to class." He says grabbing my hand the girls glare at me and Ashley steps in front of me.
"Hi I'm Ashley let's ditch class."
"Uh Ashley Emma's my girlfriend and I'm not interested."
So we walk away
"But I'm much better than her you'll see."
"Seriously another whore." I laugh and we walk to class
we walk in English and all my 'sibling' are there so we sit with them.
"Ok we have new students come up here guys."
so we walk up there and stand in our usual positions as Ashley walks in.
"These are the Cullen's, Hales, Swans, and Lucas."
So me,Edward, and Emmett raise our hands when he said Cullen's , Jasper, and Rosalie are the Hales and Bella and Alice are the Swans, and gavin raises his when he said Lucas.
"They are transfers form forks high school."
so we walk and sit down but Ashley pushes me out of my seat.
"Hi Gavin mind if I sit here?"
"Well this seat is already taken Ashley so if you don't move I'll move you oh and while your at it stay the hell away from Emma and me and her siblings got it or you will regret it." He demands so she builds up her confidence and walks over to her friends.
"Thanks." I say getting up off the floor
"You ok?" He ask
"Yeah I'm fine you scared her for life though and she isn't gonna stay away."
"Well let's see I don't want anyone messing with my baby sister." Edward says
"We are only 12 minutes apart."
"Your still the baby."
"Yea yea whatever."
"Wait how do you know that your 12 minutes apart?" Bella say getting out of Edward grip to look at us
"Well before I was turned I had our brith certificates and I held onto them so we would know but we aren't really twins we are twins cause I was changed 12 minutes after he was."
"Oh." everyone said in unison
"I'm not finished we are twins but instead of 12 we are 29 minutes apart but we just say 12 cause you know."
I look up toward the front and start taking notes. After a lecture from Mr. Lewis the bell rings and we get out of our seat.
"Ok I have mrs. Conner anyone else?" I say and Gavin raises his hand and so does jasper and Alice, Edward does too.
"Ok well I'll see you guys at lunch?" And everyone nods
Gavin's POV
I have all my classes with Ashley and Emma 2 wow. What if Ashley did this on purpose? What am I supposed to do? I can't tell Emma she takes things the wrong way. I'll have to ask Edward. speaking of him he's tapping my shoulder.
"Hey dude you have to tell her."
"I can't she will take things the wrong way she'll think that I wanted it that way."
"Well she can hear us and she had human like abilities so she can cry and get hurt so just be easy when you tell her." I nod
"Ok you need to get in partners." the teacher say and Ashley walks over to me and so does Emma.
"Hey Gavin wanna be partners?" Ashley says sitting down with puppy dog eyes so Emma walks over to Edward.
"You know what Ashley I wouldn't like to be your partner." I say a little low so she thinks I said yes
so she looks over to Emma and Emma smirks at us and then laughs.
"What's so funny he wants me not you." she states and Gavin burst out laughing
"Actually-I-said-I- wouldn't -like-to-be-your-partner!" I say in between laughs
"Well you have to be my partner." She demands
"Uh no I don't." I growl and she gets up and walks to the teacher
"Gavin Ashley is your new partner so deal with it." Her friend Amy says
"Uh teacher Ashley is forcing me to be her partner and she is being a bully to Emma."
"Ashley I'm cross teaming you."
"What!" She squealed
"Go Ashley mr. Sangster's room now!" She demands with her eyes widened. so she walks out flashing me a smile and I give her a death glare.
We walk to a table and sit down and we don't eat anything people give us stares and we ignore it.
"This is like forks all over again." I groan
"Yea but it doesn't bother me." Gavin says shrugging his shoulders
"You know why they are staring right?"
He nods yes then says "no"
"Well your really pale and your eyes are changing colors, did you put the contacts in this morning?" I ask
"Yes Edward helped me." He said folding his arms across his chest and act the kid who was disagreeing.
"You look like a little pupil who is disagreeing with his guardian."
"And you sound like a person from the early 1900's!"
"That's because I am," I whisper
"Why are we whispering?" He said
"Because we are vampires that's why." I whisper yell
"ok let's go!" He says looking at everyone else who was staring at us.
----------later at home----------
"Hey sweetie how was school?" My dad asks as I walk through the door
"Daddy I don't want I talk about it," I whine
"Did something happen?"
"Well you remember that girl Tiffany well there's this girl Ashley and she is just like her what do I do daddy?"
"Well like I said about Tiffany ignore her as best you can."
"Ok dad I'll try." I say walking to the family room where my family was. And none other than.....

"Tiffany?" I say surprised

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