Chapter One: Alexandria

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I ran inside as the rain poured relentlessly. I hate the rain; it's wet and cold and of course ruins my perfectly curled blonde hair. The warmth of the county library enveloped me in light and happiness, reminding me of Texas. I missed my southern roots where it only rained occasionally... but whereas here in Washington State? It rained almost every single day which I hated. Why my parents had randomly decided to drag my entire family here? I had no idea. Here was nothing like Texas, and about as far away from Texas as you could get in these United States. The one and only upside to living here was always having the boys offer you jackets because it's always freezing.

I looked around the library for my best friend- Scarlett- she was likely to be here considering she loves the library, it seems like she's here 24/7. I pulled out my phone to text her, when a warm body- arm full of books- ran smack into me spilling books all over the floor. Wow, I thought, smooth, Alex, smooth.

"Uh sorry," I said, hastily picking up the books that were scattered on the floor.

"Oh don't worry," a deep voice whispered.

Right we were standing in the library, I had said that much too loud. I'm such an idiot. This guy had like ten books in his arms when I like an idiot had run into him. After handing him the three I had retrieved off the ground, I finally looked at him. My heart stopped beating entirely. He was hands down the most attractive and most well muscled nerd I had ever seen... At least I'm assuming the kid was a nerd, who checks out ten books? Piercing green eyes, brown spiky hair, tall, muscular, he looked like he could be the quarterback of the football team and the Valedictorian at the same time. I must have been staring at him for quite a long time because he finally cleared his throat.

Oh gosh, that's embarrassing- I must act like I am so much cooler than him. 'Make him chase you' Scarlett had told me weeks before.

"Hi." He whispered, looking at me quizzically. His green eyes caught the light. Oh my, holy cow can he just let me stare at him? No, Alex you must answer him.

"Oh right, I should probably introduce myself I'm Alexandria." My southern accent came out. He smiled showing a row of perfectly white teeth.

"So you're southern I reckon," he said mimicking my accent. Oh no, he did not just make fun of my accent. That- although adorable- would have awarded him a nice slap down in Texas.

"Yes, yes I am do you have a problem with that?"

"No, no ma'am I just like to mimic people with accents." He said apologetically. At least it sounded apologetic up until he started smirking.

"Your name?"

"Rory, Rory Tayse,"

"That short for anything darlin?"

"Uh yeah, Riley, it's my father's name and I can't stand it so my friends call me Rory"

"That makes sense." He smiled again. I couldn't tell if he was flirting with me, or just being overly friendly. I mean blonde hair blue eyed southern belle? I'd have to ask Scar what her thoughts on this exchange were; I began to mentally debate what to say to her.

"Yeah, well, sorry for running into such a pretty girl like you..." he paused smirking, "Scarlett wants these books as soon as humanly possible so I guess... I mean I hope I'll see you and your cute accent around." He turned to leave when it hit me that he was taking the books to Scarlett.

"Wait Scarlett who?" I asked hastily. It couldn't be the Scarlett that was my best friend; she would have set me up with such an attractive guy that happened to be her friend as well. Or at least told me about such a silver fox...

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