Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! I am so happy today so I thought about posting chapter three!! I will start writing 4 tomorrow and will probably have that up Friday! Anyways enough of me here's the chapter!!

Peter's P. O. V.

When I got back to camp I saw all the lost boys sitting on logs by the fire. "Pan! Where is the girl?" Asked Felix, my second in command.

"The cages." I said and took a seat at my usual log.

"What did she do?"

"She needs to learn how to behave herself."

"But Pan it is supposed to be really stormy tonight-" Felix started.

"I suggest you stop talking or you will be joining her." I said. I got up and stormed off to my tent. Who does he think he is talking to? I thought as I opened the flap that leads to my tent.

I paced around my room thinking. It was supposed to be stormy tonight. And in that cage it must be pretty awful.....No. What am I thinking? I laid down on my bed and crossed my arms behind my head.

I closed my eyes and searched the island for her. She was sitting in a corner of the cage, jumping a little when she heard a noise. What if something bad happens? I thought when I heard distant thunder. I tried to teleport to her but for some reason it was not working. This isn't any normal storm. Before I knew want I was doing I was opening the flap of my tent and looking outside.

It was dark and had just started to rain. The fire was out and the lost boys were in there tents. All except Felix. He was leaning against a post outside his tent with his arms crossed. He had half a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. I made sure I closed the flap to my tent and walked in the rain towards Felix. "Shut up." I said as I walked past him and into the woods. I could feel his eyes following me down the path.

Why am I doing this? I thought as I walked through the forest.

Because you do not want her getting hurt. An annoying voice at the back of my head said.

No. Not possible. I am Peter Pan. I do not care about anyone but myself. I thought.

When I was a good ways down the path, a big bolt of lightning struck one of the trees up ahead. Megan! I thought and started running towards her cage.

Megan's P. O. V.

It was raining hard now and the lightning was getting pretty close. I was sitting in the corner of the cage that was under thick leaves and branches. I laid down in my cage trying to keep as dry as possible but there was no use. A strong wind kept blowing the rain closer and closer to me. The rain was freezing and the wind was not helping and I started to get really cold. I started shivering and my teeth were chattering.

"Megan!" I heard a voice yell. "Megan!"

I sat upright in the corner and stared out down the path. I saw someone running towards me. Peter. I thought as he waved his hand and my cage hit the ground. He untied the ropes holding the door closed and undid the magic he placed on earlier.

When he finally got the door open he held out his hand. "Come on! I have to get you back to camp!" Peter said. I looked at him them at his hand. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I did not have time to answer before lightning struck right next to us and he pulled me out of the cage.

I tried to stand but I was shivering too much and the storm was getting worse. Peter saw I was having trouble and picked me up bridal style and started running through the woods. I rested my head on Peter's chest as he ran. I could tell he knew I was cold because he said "shh Meg it will be alright you will be warmer once we get back to camp." And held me closer to him.

Peter's P. O. V.

When we got back to camp she was shivering so much it was making me shake. I quickly put a spell over the camp and all the lost boys tents. The spell blocked out the rain and any magic the storm was carrying. I carried Megan into my tent and tied the flap closed. I put her gently on the bed and tried to make blankets appear. It was not working.

"Felix!" I shouted. Felix opened the flap to my tent and stuck his head in.

"Yes Pan?"

"I need blankets now. And hurry!" I said and watched Felix's head disappear. I walked back over to Megan and grabbed her hand. Ice cold.

She was shaking uncontrollably by the time Felix got back with enough blankets to keep her warm.

"Why have you not healed her?" He asked.

"You do not think I would have tried that already?" I snapped back at him. "The storm is affecting my magic. It let me put spells around the camp but would not let me heal her or even make blankets appear out of thin air."

"Do you think....?" Felix started and paused.

"Yes, I do. It's back."

Hey readers!

(Edited 7/17/2016)

Please comment and let me know what you think of my story so far. Comment-follow-vote and keep reading!


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