1. Surprise

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NSFW-ish (towards the middle of the chapter)

APMAs after party.

Balz and Ryan-Ashley said they'd wanted to make an announcement after the APMAs were over, so once the after party started I was practically dragging Ryan through the crowds of people to find Balz.

He was talking to Vinny and Chris, Ryan-Ashley was talking to Ash Costello, Nikki Misery right by their side.

I tapped Balz on the shoulder and he turned to face me.

I wanted to ask him so many questions.

"When's the announcement?" Ryan asked simply.

"Right now, actually," He said, nudging Ryan-Ashley lightly.

There was a platform at the end of the room, mostly with amps and equipment on it, but it seemed very similar to -- yet smaller than -- the main stage for the APMAs.

Balz stepped onto the platform before Ryan-Ashley, then kindly helped her up.

Everyone was facing them.

"Okay, so as you all know," Balz gestured to Ryan-Ashley. "I am in love with an amazing girl. I've spent most of my life with this beautiful woman, hell, we own an oddities shop together. I love her, and for some reason she's chose to put up with me." He chuckled.

"And he loved me just enough," Ryan-Ashley said. "To marry me."

"Whoa." As I thought it, Ryan said it.

"But, that's not all," Balz said. "We also chose... To finally raise a family."

"Aww," I heard multiple people mutter.

So, apparently Balz was going to be a father.


After all the post-awards interviews were over, the band headed back to our hotel rooms and got some sleep.

At least, everyone else did.

Me and Ryan? I had something else in mind.

But, "Do you want to watch a movie?" was his only suggestion.


Of course I agreed to watch the movie. But it was some shitty action romance and fifteen minutes into it I was getting impatient, especially since Ryan insisted I sit on his lap.

Eventually I just gave up on waiting and turned around to face him, straddling his lap, and kissing him.

"Oh -- ..'kay..." He mumbled.

I kissed along his jawline and down his neck. I pressed my hips against his and almost couldn't fucking contain myself when he started palming me through my jeans. Oh, those had to come off soon. And thankfully they did.
... As well as some other clothing.
Next thing I knew, I was on my knees in front of my best friend in the entire world and having possibly the best night of my life.


I was sitting at the end of the bed putting on my combat boots, ready to leave, when I got a text.

I looked at my phone and suddenly was hit with excitement.

"Ryan, come here!"

Ryan stepped into the room. "Yeah?"

I handed him my phone, grinning.

Rick, it's happening!
We're touring with Slipknot!


"Holy shit!" Ryan exclaimed, hugging me.

"I can't believe it's finally happening," I muttered.

I still remember an interview I had with Chris in 2010, the woman had asked what band we'd wanted to tour with the most in our future, and Chris answered "Slipknot".
Now, it's actually happening.

"Our dreams are coming true."

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