8. I Do.

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Months later
Wedding Day
Ricky's POV

I loved it. I loved being able to look Ryan in the eyes and say, "I do."

After the ceremony, Balz lead me away from everyone and smiled. "Guess what?"

"What?" I asked.

"Ryan-Ashley and I agreed to try again. I'm going to be a dad." He was excited. I could tell.

"Oh..my God, Balz. That's amazing!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"I know. I'm just so happy." He said.

"How far along?" I asked.

"Two months." He smiled again. "Sorry I didn't mention anything earlier. I didn't want to say until after a couple months."

"It's okay buddy, I understand. I'm so happy for you."


Ryan and I were about to step into my apartment, but he paused.

"Wait," He said.

"What?" I asked.

He looked at me and grinned, before lifting me up bridal-style [or in this case groom-style], and carrying me inside.

"You're a dork," I laughed.

"But, I'm your dork." He said, giving me a quick kiss.

"I know," I smiled. "And I love you."

"I love you too," He smiled back.

Turns out, life is better than I had expected.

To Be Continued.


Thank you for all the supportive readers!
I've come up with an idea on how this story will end, and there's only one book left to publish!
The name is currently unknown but I will publish one last chapter on this book once the final book is published.

Thank you for reading!
Peace out, Creatures x

- Andi

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