3. Accident

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Balz's POV

"Balz, answer your fucking phone," I heard Ricky mutter from the bunk next to mine. "Before I throw it out the damn window."

I turned my phone on, the light almost blinding me since I'd been asleep before.

10 texts from Ryan Ashley
2 missed calls from Ryan Ashley

"Shit," I grumbled.

> Balz.
> Balz please call me

> Missed Call from Ryan Ashley

> God damn it JOSH

> Missed Call from Ryan Ashley

> Joshua Balz answer me
> okay, fuck it.
> I was on my way to the store with Allie and someone pulled out in front of her car and we got into a wreck.
> I'm okay right now but Allie's in the emergency room and I'm worried about the baby. Please call me

I almost fell out of my bunk.

"Chris, Chris!" I punched the top of my bunk -- his bunk was right above mine -- in hopes to wake him up.

> I'll be back in Pennsylvania soon, okay?

"Christopher Thomas Cerulli get your ass up!" I demanded.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, getting out of his bunk.

I put my boots on and tossed him my phone. "Read."

"..." I watched his eyes scan the screen. "No..."

"I'm going back to Pennsylvania, I need to go back." I said.

"Balz -- "

"You can't stop me," I said. "Tell the boys what happened, I'm off to get a plane ticket." I said, taking back my phone.

"Balz. I'm coming with you."


"I can't believe we had to push back the rest of the tour," Ricky complained as I pushed open the hospital doors and stepped in, him and Chris behind me.

"Shut up, Ricky." I heard Chris mutter under his breath.

"She said she was fine! I don't see the point in flying all the way back here." He said.

"Okay, asshole," I turned around to face him. "Two reasons. One; Allie's here too, badly hurt. Two; we don't know if my future kid is harmed either. Actually, three reasons. Three; Ryan Ashley is a good liar when it comes to being 'fine', so as far as I know, she could be in one of those hospital beds too."

"She's not."

I turned back around and Ryan Ashley was standing there, she looked tired and her eyes were red.

"Ryan? You okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I just heard some pretty bad news though." She replied.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Two things," She said. "Allie needs surgery on her leg. But that's not the worst," She looked down.


"I lost the kid, Balz."

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