Sick Part 1

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You laid in bed with a thermometer, a cold rag, and a blanket. Mom left for work a few minutes ago. And you know who your sick buddy for life is and know he's coming. A sick buddy was someone who stayed with their other buddy when they're sick. Most of the time, he got sick. But the tables turned today. And with a flash, he was sitting next to you. "Hey (name)." "Hey" you replied. He was now laying next to me. I was surprised that summer break started with a cold. But whatever. He's around, so. He turned on your TV and couldn't find anything to watch. He got bored. You knew when he gets bored he goes to sleep. You waited, and waited, and waited, until he was fast asleep next to you. You couldn't resist. The hair, the face, the SMIRK. The everything about him. You sneakily cuddled up to him and pressed the side of your head on his chest. You spit the damn thermometer out, took off the rag and got under HIS blanket next to him. You waited for this day to come. Ever since the day all the way back in 5th Grade. You and him have been best friends since. You saw him moving a little. You knew you were going to get caught, and rejected. You knew how everyone who asked him out was turned down. You kept staring at those eyelids. Then you saw a blueish colored Pupil outline and white.

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