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I woke up from my alarm, reminding me to get ready for the last two days of school. I dressed in to a navy blue dressy tank top with ripped shorts and Sperrys.  I walked downstairs seeing my mom eating toast.  "Good morning mom!" Hugging her, she said, "Get ready for school.  How was the whole year in Australia been, Diana?"

"Good, I met a friend, you know her..."

"Natalie, are there any other people you talked to?"

I looked at mom. "No, mom... I don't talk to anyone," I said sarcastically.

She looked at me seriously, "you never told anything to me about school, is there a cute guy in one of your classes?"

"There is one, he never told me his name... and whenever I say hi, he doesn't really say anything."

She smirked. "Maybe he's too scared to talk to you cause how gorgeous you are,

I looked at mom, "Can I say anything to you?" I giggled.  "I mean, when I sometimes talk about school, you lead to guys I like."

"But you never tell me! I am your friend too!"

I looked at my mom carelessly.

"Well then, love you, I got to get ready for my first day on the job at the children's hospital."

She gave me a kiss and I opened the front door and left.  I saw Natalie in her yellow bug car.  "Let's go."

She started the engine and took off.

"I will get my drivers license!" I yelled.

"You are sixteen! I'm the same age as you, and I think you should be able to do this right!" She shouted.

I hushed her. "Shut up, you are embarrassing me!"

"How many tries so far?" She asked.

"Two, today is my last day to get my license!  If I get it, I'll get my license in July!" I said with a fake smile.

She laughed. "What the hell! I've never seen any of my friends fail the test two times!"

We started laughing.  "Your bug still looks new!"

"Well yeah.  I got it for Christmas!" She said.

We stopped at the traffic light.  I looked at all the trucks and cars that are surrounding us, until I started to panic as I saw a familiar face from science. He was in a Jeep, and was right next to us. I started to bury my face in my tank top.

"What's wrong with you!" Natalie yelled at me.

"It's my crush! The green eyed, browned haired dude!" I whispered.

"You know he won't hear us talking, unless I open the windows and you scream."

We started moving past the light, and he was passing us easily. My stomach tumbled inside, as I found out Natalie was going too slow.

"Go! You are so slow!" I shouted half giggled.

"Hey, I had this for a while and I don't want to be in a car crash."

We drove in silence until we made it to school. She parked and walked out with me. I walked inside the school and walked to my locker. My crush is ten lockers away from me, and it feels so awkward that I just saw him before school.

I saw him leave his locker, and I went the opposite direction to my first class. I walked on my table and pulled out my binder, getting ready for math.

After that, I went to Orchestra, where I play the cello. I played for an hour until I had ELA...

I saw this guy follow behind, my crush. I made it in the class room without embarrassing myself. Mr. Centre was my teacher and was writing on the board. At the corner of my eye I saw someone staring at me, I could make out who this guy is.

"Ashton," I heard my teacher say.

I didn't here an answer from anybody.

"Ashton?" The teacher said again.

Still no sound from anyone in the class. Someone started taping on my crush's shoulder.

"Yeah?" My crush said. "sorry what."

"Mr Irwin, I hate seeing you in wonderland during class, were you distracted by something, or someone?"

"No sir, I mean Mr. Centre."

People giggle around me.

"Class, there is nothing to do today, so talk to your friends for the rest of the day."

Ashton was talking to his friends, while I talked to mine. 

"That Ashton was looking at you!" Natalie poked me billions of times.

"No!" I shoved her playfully.

"He's coming towards you!" She whispered.

I looked behind me and saw Ashton walking towards. Showing his red face... embarrassed.

"Go talk to him!" She whispered. I walked towards him, made it awkward obviously.

"Hi, if you noticed," he said. "I was kinda staring at you, cause you look beautiful, and I think I saw you in a car today."

I stared at him, "Okay, you did see me in a car, cause I saw you. And are you flirting with me, even though that is not true!"

He processed the thought that I think he is flirting with me. "I am not trying to get you to be my girlfriend," he turned red, "I just... I want to be your friend for a long time... But I was scared you might think I was stupid."

I thought for a second. "Why exactly?"

"You seem like a kind of friend I would like to hang out with."


Sorry this chapter wasn't long enough...

Do you like my chapter? It's ok if you comment that he met her too quickly! I learn to take it slow on my future books...


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