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Harry came to my house in a good mood. He sat next to me and I was packing my backpack, getting prepared for senior year with Ashton. Harry is also part of a band, but he is only 18.

"Do you like Ashton?" He asked.

"Yeah ... as much as you. I just don't know," I whispered.

"At least we have three days, just you and I."

I smiled at that comment. He cupped my cheeks and gently kissed me. I feel like nothing could end this. Until I got a call.

"Diana! Our gig were all sold out!" Ashton yelled right when I picked up the phone.

"Congratulations! When is this concert?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, and there is just one more seat, but I set it up for you! Come to the concert!"

I was happy. "Oh my god!"

"On the front row!" He yelled.

I was. Crazy! "Thank you!!!!! Oh my god!"

"You can come to our hotel, I'll send you the address to the hotel, and meet me in my room that I'll give you! Today, because I already."

I wasn't so happy about that. Harry wants time with me! "Okay."

I don't want to sound suspicious.

"What did Ashton say to you?" Harry asked.

"He asked if I can go to his concert!" I said.

"What did you say?"

"Yes, I don't want to sound suspicious."

We paused for a moment. "As long as you know how much I care for you."

We gently kissed again.

He layered me on the couch and he kept kissing me. We held till I had to leave.

"Bye Harry," I said.

He left. Then I went in my car. I got a text showing the address Ashton gave me.

I made it on time and went in the hotel. I passed the front desk to the elevator. I got to the right floor, and found 182.

I knocked on the door and Ashton answered. "Hello!" He gave me a hug, the warmest hug I have ever encountered.

I felt like home.

We were in his room just talking.

"What I like to do is play games! I have chess!!!!" Ashton yelled.

I laughed and took it out.

"I'll be black, you'll be red," I said.

"Okay," he answered.

We started by me moving one of my figures up towards Ashton's figurines.

He moved his towards mine, but I at takes that figure.

"Shit!" He laughed.

I laughed.

But the game ended with five Ashton kings, two me kings, and Ashton killed all the other figures I had. I got rid of his too.

So it left with two of my kings versus Ashton's five kings.

I made a move that ended up with him getting rid of one of mine. His move made his get at takes by my last one.

Another attack I've made to one of his kings.

Three versus one, I made another move that got rid of one.

Two versus one, he made a move that made me attack him again.

One versus one, and this I when him and I looked at each other.

Her looked at me in the eyes. "Your good at this!"

"Yeah, not so bad yourself. "

I bested him and he started yelling. "Shiiit!"

I laughed at him. "You've been beaten by a girl."

"I know! I feel so weird."

I tried to get off the bed, but my legs were messed up, so I ended up falling on Ashton. Embarrassing.

He looked up at the body on top of him. "My legs were stupid!"

"Oh ... I didn't mind!" He said.

It made me blush, but enough of that. "Oh my god! You are flirting with me!"

"What's wrong with that?" He asked. Well I was on top of him and he was laying on the bed.

He weakened and settled me on his chest.

"This is weird," I said quietly. But he felt so warm, so I wrapped my arms around him.

He was so patient in our relationship, compared to Harry. I looked up at him and I could help but look at his eyes. His green eyes make me feel comfortable. We stood there, looking at each other.

"Damn you are beautiful," he whispered. I blushed.

We he lifted himself and my legs were straddled from on side to the other on his legs. He leaned over and he was just looking at my lips, making me blush.

"You are different from others, which I absolutely love," he whispered. His breathe was peppermint, I absolutely love it.

We were inches apart from touching each other lips. He whispered. "You are the only one I think about in my life."

We paused. He continued, "You are very special, and I can compliment about you a lot, because there are so many ways to describe you."

Nothing could stop this. I felt important to someone. Ashton makes me feel cared for. He had that breath that me smile. Ashton lastly whispered, "I love you Diana."

He loves me. I feel like nothing could ruin this. Nothing. He leaned closer and closer. We were a centimeter away, and I felt part of his soft lip touch mine. I leaned in and we touch lips.

We felt warm, and soft. It was too perfect to pull apart. He make me feel special. He loves me?!?! He is confident about this? He sounds like he was.

We we pulled apart and we looked at each other. His eyes were sparky emerald. We giggled at the thought of what we look like right now. We attached our lips again for two seconds. We smiled at each other. We checked the time. It was eleven at night. We giggled.

"You can sleep with me if you want. I care about how you feel about this."

I looked at him, blessed that he takes relationships slow, but...

"I sleep with you."

How did I do?

In Australia Series- First Year (SUMMER PART) A. I.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن