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We sat on the couch at Calum's house, talking about our embarrassing moments and mine are as embarrassing as hell.

"I did kiss this guy on the cheek, because he kept on saying chicken to me!" I yelled.

We all laughed. Ashton just smiled a bit.

"I did kiss someone on the lips in Kindergarden!" Calum confessed.

We laughed a little.

"I was in the classroom and this girl was next to me, and I had a crush on her. So, I gave her a kiss on the lips."

We laughed...

We all had silent time, then Calum started looking at Ashton, who is looking at me.

"I think you two should have some time alone." Calum said.

Michael and Luke followed Calum to there room, planning I playing video games. Ashton and I sat in silence.

"I know this is awkward, I'm sor-" I was quickly interrupted by Ashton.

"Sorry? I was a fool! I knew that you don't like me."

I wanted to tell him how I feel, but I'll just do a signal or sound.

I took a deep breath and blew out... Ashton looked at me and looked confused. I did a weak smile. And he knew... I liked him. He smiled and we stood there awkward to each other. Ashton lean towards me.

"I know how you feel about me," Ashton said to me quietly.

I didn't know what to say. When you say to your friend that you have a crush on him, he is disgusted. Ashton, he was going with the flow and wants to talk.

"I had a crush on you for a long time Ashton."

He looked at me. "Me too."

He suddenly went closer to me and he put his hand on my cheek. He went closer to me, and we were inches apart, until Calum yelled.

"Guys it is so easy! Just kiss him!" Ashton took a pillow and threw it at Calum and I chuckled.

I got home and sat on the couch. Is this too good to be true?

I looked at the ground, hoping to find an answer on how this is happening. I wish something could happen, that would make sense...

Sorry that was short!

In Australia Series- First Year (SUMMER PART) A. I.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt