Chapter Ten

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"No laws gave been broken," Edward said desperately. We were more scared for Bella than ourselves now. Alice tried to break in, hoping to avert a confrontation when Jane appeared. I had always hated her, but was afraid of her power, nonetheless.

She led us all to an elevator, which went down to an underground complex. We passed a pretty receptionist who welcomed us politely. Bella asked if she was human. She was, but she wanted to become a vampire.

We entered the large room with marble floors and white marble benches. Aro, Marcus, and Caius sat in three throne-like chairs in the center. Aro was genteel, but menacing.

"You were asked to bring back one, and you bring back three...and a half. Good job, sister," Alec laughed, smiling at Jane.

"She knows too much about us," Jane remarked quietly. Edward stepped forward and Aro took his hand. I wrapped my arm around Bella's waist protectively. Aro could read people's minds with a mere touch.

"I am impressed at your self-control," Aro said, licking his lips.

"It is achieved not without great difficulty."

"I want to see if she is impervious to my gifts. Step forward, my child." Bella complied and I reluctantly let go of her before clutching Alice's have. Aro furrowed his eyebrows as he couldn't read her mind.

"Jane, you try," Aro suggested. Jane smirked and leveled her gaze on Bella. Edward stepped forward to intervene, but Jane wracked him with pain. She then turned her gaze back to Bella. It took everything I had not to go after her.

"This may hurt, just a little," she said knowingly. But Bella just stood there. Aro laughed at that and Alec held Jane back.

"Bella, what shall we do with you?" he wondered.

"You already know what to do," Marcus said in his aged, tired voice.

"She knows too much about our world. She is a liability," Caius pointed out. My breath caught in my throat and my hand flew to my stomach. Aro sighed in agreement and summoned Felix. Oh, no, Bella. Felix was one of the strongest guards there.

He was a hulking vampire of impressive size and he was meant to kill my best friend and anyone who stood in his way. Edward jumped at him, but Felix was too strong. They tumbled around the room in flashes, breaking things.

Felix finally caught him in a headlock. He was about to be ripped apart by the Volturi when Bella stepped forward.

"Kill me! Don't kill him," Bella begged.

"How extraordinary," Aro mused. "You would give up your life for someone like us. A soulless monster."

"You don't know a thing about his soul," she growled. I was so proud of her! Aro was both impressed and offended by her impertinence and moved to slaughter her.

"Stop!" Alice yelled, stepping away from me and forward. "She will be one of us. I've seen it." Aro took her hand and Alice, no doubt, showed him the vison she had told me about.

"I'll change her myself," she said quietly.

"Your gifts will make an intriguing immortal," Aro said to Bella. I let out a sigh of relief and then suddenly, everyone noticed me standing there awkwardly. Shit, Aubrey...

Aro smiled and motioned for me to come forward. Alice shook her head slightly and stepped back. I walked slowly toward him and I could see Jane glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

"Ah, child, you are a Barsoumian. I can tell. You have been lucky enough to obtain your skin color. Come," he stated, reaching for my hand.

I closed my eyes for a second and stretched out my hand. The images flooding from my mind to his made me want to cry, because I didn't want him to know these things.

My life growing up with my current family, my attack, the last few years, when I met Emmett for the first time, when I told the Cullen's my story, and finally my pregnancy. He gasped and let go of my hand at the last one.

"You are a vampire...and you are with child," he gasped and I heard Edward do the same.

I heard a growl and looked to see Jane approaching me. Her eyes turned black and I braced myself for the excrexcruciating pain that was about to be inflicted on me, killing me and my child. But it never came and I opened my eyes.

"Incredible! It seems as though your child can project a shield. Such an ability for an unborn baby. But I face a decision; either we kill you and your child now... Or wait until it is born to see what it offers," Aro pondered.

People were shouting things like 'kill them!'. Aro held up his hand and the cruel suggestions stopped.

"I think I will save you, Aubrey Barsoumian, for another time. Your family, the Cullen's as well, hold some interesting gifts... But I will not harm you or your child today," he said and with a wave of his hand, we were dismissed. As we exited, Caius spoke up.

"Remember your promises. The Volturi do not give second chances," he warned. His voice made me shiver.

Bleeding Stars/Emmett Cullen (Sequel to Whispering Dusk)Where stories live. Discover now