Symbolism of Fingernails

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There are plenty of metaphors around nails, as with any cultural and period fashion in the styling of the body. Nails are inconsequential before the face of inherent beauty to some and the very mark of character, life-style and sexual attractiveness to others. On males, women often prefer the short, weather beaten, style of nails of working hands, with only cleanliness during contact being a penetrating concern. Long nails usually indicate that a man isn't a he at all. Well manicured digits suggest non-manual, and somewhat less than really animal. As to the very long nails once favoured by Eastern dignitaries, always of disgusting historical note—enough said.

Nails on females: that's the bigger ball game. The right length and colour often carrying great importance. The sexually related principles are often much extended. Long elegantly shaped nails, especially if they are real, indicate that madam doesn't need to work, especially at her own domestic, still often porcelain, facilities. This idea extends even into the modern sexually egalitarian workplace. The one that produces actual work, the female at the coalface, is far less likely to wear long nails. Nails tell diverse stories. What do yours say: duchess, squire, beast or queen?

 What do yours say: duchess, squire, beast or queen?

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