Chapter Fourteen - Zombie apocalypse

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Here it is, a reward because you all did such a good job at commenting on the previous chapter! And that must be my most random chapter title ever, I think.

Nick's POV

It was the end of April, almost May, and a week ago spring had decided to finally make an appearance. It had been a long and chilly winter, but now nature seemed to be making up for lost time. Where two weeks ago trees had been bare and flowers buried deep in the ground, there were now fresh new leaves and flowerbuds everywhere. Zoe and I had decided the weather was too beautiful to stay inside, and taken our books and laptops to the park. Silke couldn't join us because she had some family festivity to attend, and Lars... was just being Lars.

Nothing else had happened since Zoe's birthday party six weeks ago. It had been a bit awkward the first time we saw each other again, but he'd pretended nothing happened, for all I knew he didn't even remember what had happened since he was more than a little intoxicated so I had no choice than to do the same. Today he had refused to come because he claimed he couldn't see his laptopscreen when the sun was out. It sounded more like he was avoiding me, but I'd decided not to care too much and just enjoy the afternoon with Zoe.

She was studying, switching between a large textbook and her notepad, while I was typing up another chapter of my thesis. It was around four when I decided I was done for the day and put away all my paperwork and closed down my laptop, turning around to allow my face a little bit of sun as well. I put my laptop underneath my head and shivered as a breeze blew across my body. Perhaps I'd been a little too optimistic about the weather and wearing only a tank top in spring probably wasn't my brightest decision ever, but it was too late now anyway. I was on the verge of falling asleep when a thud next to me brought me back to consciousness.

“That's it, I'm done with that boring stuff for today.” Zoe sighed, and I chuckled. She was always complaining how boring her classes were, but yet she wanted nothing else than to study law.

We just laid there, sunbathing next to each other. I was always comfortable with Zoe, if Lars wouldn't have caught my attention first, maybe I'd have gone for her instead.

“So, two more months and then you're back to boring old England?” she requested, turning her head to look at me when I didn't reply immediately.

“I'm actually not sure yet.” I sighed. “They offered me a job in literature research here at uni. It sounds interesting, and it's not like anyone in England is waiting for me to come back...” I trailed off.


“But I'm just not sure if it's a good idea to stay either. I mean, I always meant to go back home and become a teacher and maybe act a bit on the side. I never meant to come here, let alone stay.”

“What period of time are you looking at?” Zoe requested, now fully turning to her side to look at me while we talked. I stayed put on my back but turned my head to face her, squinting my eyes against the sun behind her.

“Four years to start with, maybe longer.”

“Four years is not a lifetime. What do you have to lose?”

I snorted. “Nothing. And yet everything at the same time.” I replied softly.

“Nick... is this about Lars?” she asked, sounding desperate.

“No!” I exclaimed, a little too fast and a little too loud. Zoe lifted an eyebrow and gave me a look. “Yes, it's about him too. Everything seems to be about him.” I groaned, dropping my arm across my face as I rolled onto my back again.

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