Chapter Twenty-six: Make it work

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Alright, I'm terribly sorry this is late ànd short. I've been away on holidays and I've been quite busy with work and my new Larry-story on ao3 but I suppose that's not really a valid excuse... I hope to continue this story and end it in the way it deserves soon, though...

Lars' POV

Nick was at the stove, preparing our lunch with the incredible variety of vegetables that could be found in his fridge, only wearing a fresh pair of boxers and red socks to keep his feet warm on the grey tiles of the kitchen floor. It was a ridiculous sight, but somehow it was mostly endearing to me, and sexy, his ass looked magnificent in the tight black cotton. I was lost in thoughts, so much that I'd missed what Nick had asked after he'd turned around. “Huh?”

He smiled and repeated his question. “Did you want coke or water?”

I chuckled and shot him a devious grin. “I could do with some caffeine to get through the rest of the day.”

Nick just rolled his eyes and threw me a glass, followed by the bottle of coke zero he'd fetched from the fridge. “It'll be ready in a couple of minutes,” he added before turning around again to finish whatever he was cooking.

“Hmmm, it's delicious.” I mumbled between a mouthful of stir-fry. I'd missed Nick's cooking almost as much as I'd missed him. He was a wonderful cook, could even prepare nice enough food from two carrots and a leftover of minced meat.

“Thanks,” Nick smiled, taking another bite himself. We were quiet for a couple of minutes, either one of us equally unsure how to start with the conversation we needed to have. “So, uhm, you want to get back together?” He asked after wiping his mouth with a mint green paper napkin, his eyes locked on mine to make sure I'd read his lips.

“Er, yeah, if you want to as well?” I felt suddenly insecure, all boldness I'd gathered before taking the train over here having disappeared. His thumb brushed over my cheek, hooking in the corner of my mouth before he reassured me that “of course I want to.”

“A long distance relationship, then?” he asked, pushing his plate back and wiping his hands before switching to signing. “I'll have to stay here for at least a couple more months. I can't just up and leave Joey on her own, I wouldn't want to do that to her. I know how hard it's been for me, I don't want her to go through the same thing.”

“I understand.” I nodded. “It'll be a long distance relationship for a while, at least. But the distance isn't unbridgeable, I imagine. I got here in five hours from my door to yours, and I think it could be done in at least an hour less when you actually check the train schedule.” I smiled, thinking back to the disaster that'd been my journey because of missed trains and stupid women behind the desk at the railway station who kept insisting that “you haven't booked up front, sir, I'm not sure if I can still get you on the night train to London.”

Nick nodded. “True. And summer holidays are coming up, maybe I can convince Joey to take a trip to Antwerp with me.”

“And I can come here as well, I've got six weeks off once school finished and my classroom is cleaned up for next year.” I added.

“So that's the summer sorted, but what will we do once school picks up again?” Nick asked, biting his bottom lip as he continued signing. He was worried, and I couldn't blame him. I'd always said I wasn't going to do long distance relationships, and neither of us could just up and leave to be together in person.

“There's the weekends, and I'll have school holidays.” I offered.

“We won't be able to spend every weekend together, and it'll be a lot of traveling for both of us. Not to mention the cost.” He warned.

“It won't be easy.” I agreed, knowing it would get hard, even if we both wanted to go great lengths to make this work. “But I want to do this.”

He smiled. “Alright, let's do this then.”

Nick's POV

Joey had come home earlier this morning, looking happy yet a bit disheveled. She'd cut short any attempt to talk to her about it though, rushing out as soon as she'd grabbed a couple of books she needed for the day, shouting a greeting at me and waving happily at Lars who was shoveling cereal into his mouth as he leaned against our kitchen counter. He had to leave again today, having only been able to get two days off at school with the excuse of a family emergency. It was a family emergency in a way, I supposed. I'd drop him off at the railway station before I went to my appointment with my local professor, where I planned to discuss in what time frame I could relocate my research back to Antwerp, if I wanted to, and found a solution for Joey.

Lars had come here with no luggage at all, so I borrowed him clean underwear, and offered other clothes as well, but that was futile since he was at least three inches taller than I was.

The journey to the railway station was quick yet crowded, as a lot of commuters apparently took the same line to work, so it didn't offer much opportunity to talk or say goodbye. Lars' train was already boarding when we arrived, so I walked him up to the small gate through which I wasn't allowed to pass without a ticket. I kissed him, deeply and urgently, putting everything I wanted to tell him into it. “I love you.” I muttered between soft pecks and sweet kisses.

“Love you too,” he replied quietly. I almost missed it because of the metallic voice announcing the last few minutes of boarding for his train.

“You should go,” I told him, and his eyes held his reply. “I don't want you to go either,” I voiced my thoughts, “ but you have to. We'll figure something out soon, and there's always Skype.”

“I'll call you tonight,” he promised and then disappeared through the gate after one last kiss. I saw him jumping through the doors right before they closed and smiled at the bittersweetness of this entire situation.

“You've had sex,” Joey cut to the chase as soon as she planted her butt on her chair for dinner that night. I turned around from my position at the stove and threw her an unimpressed look. Suddenly it dawned on me, all puzzle pieces clicking into place at once.

“So did you.” I replied, certain I was right about this. She blushed a bright red colour that gave her away even though she started a feeble protest. “We'll talk about it while we eat,” I promised her before I turned around to add the final touches to our pasta.

We talked all through dinner, and for a long time after that. She'd stayed at Stan's last night, his roommate had been kind enough to find himself another place to stay, and according to her it was magical. Stan had been cautious, kind and gentle without losing sight of the necessary romance. I was glad it went this well, everyone deserved a first time to remember with a smile on their faces, especially my little sister. She was happy about Lars and I figuring things out as well, especially once I assured her I wasn't going to leave her here overnight. It was only when a ringtone sounded from my laptop that I remembered that Lars and I would call each other over Skype tonight. I excused myself to Joey, who sneered and giggled at me but promised to do the dishes anyway.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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