Chapter two - Lars

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My dear poptart, this one's for you, because I'm so nice. The next chapter won't be up until your dream boy is finally finished, though ;-) Still in tha ghetto doll!

Picture of Lars on the side, just discovered the guy today, and omg, can't stop drooling...

I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while heavy basses sounded through my bedroom, making my bed vibrate so I could feel the music. My mother always complained about my loud music, as well as my little sister, but I had the house to myself at the moment, so I didn't bother with headphones. Sure, it worked, and I could feel the vibrations too because of the extra bass settings on it, but it was so much better when I could just turn up the volume and feel it through my entire body. 

I'd have closed my eyes to drown myself in the music, but I was expecting my sister and I wouldn't know she had arrived if I didn't keep my eyes open. Finally, after what seemed like half a day, my light flickered on and off, indicating that someone had pressed my doorbell. I shot up, turned the music down and stormed downstairs, where I saw my sister pulling her shoes off and hanging her short red jacket on the coat rack. She was hardly startled by my loud footsteps. Well, I was told it was loud when I stormed downstairs like this, it wasn't like I really knew since I had been deaf ever since I was born. 

"Zoe!" I snapped and finally she looked up at me.

"Calm down, Lars." she signed. "And don't yell like that, you're being really loud." 

I rolled my eyes and switched to sign language now that she was looking at me. "Why did you tell mum that I skipped school last week? She nearly killed me!"

"Oh come on, it's not such a big deal. Besides, you had it coming when you told her I was the one who broke the frame of that painting in the living room. She'd never found out, but nooooo, Lars had to be a good boy and tell her." Her signs were large and sloppy, indicating that she was worked up about it. I just huffed and turned around, something that always made her mad, because it meant I stopped our conversation and there was nothing she could do about it. I walked into the kitchen and went to prepare myself a sandwich, I was hungry but far too lazy to prepare a decent meal, and there wasn't really a chance that Zoe would want to make me something now.

I expected her to go up to her room and ignore me for the rest of the evening like we usually did when we had a childish fight like this. We were both adults, I would graduate in 10 months, but whenever we fought, we changed back into little kids. Much to my surprise, she was sat at the kitchen table when I turned around, my sandwich with mum's home made cucumber salad in hand, ready to eat it. I contemplated ignoring her, but decided not to be rude for once and sat down on the chair opposite hers. I looked down at my sandwich, but she kept on waving her hand in front of my eyes, so I finally looked up and listened what she had to say.

"Silke says hi. She was being annoying today, really, I don't know how you put up with her for such a long time." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes. Silke had been my friend ever since we met in elementary school, she was 4 and I was 5, almost 6, and we bonded over being teased. She was teased because she was not only deaf, but also had glasses and a colourful patch over her left eye every morning, and I got teased because I was deaf and apparently my voice sounded funny. It had kept me from talking from ages, actually, but thousands of hours of therapy later I finally believed people when they told me they could hardly tell from hearing my voice that I was deaf. 

Anyway, about Silke. It had seemed like the normal thing to do to ask her out when I was 16. All my friends had a girlfriend, and when I asked them why, they all just said they liked them, and I liked Silke, so I supposed it would be best to ask her to be my girlfriend. She said yes, and we were together until my 19th birthday, when she finally started questioning if I loved her. Of course I said yes, and I really did love her, but not in the way I should. We'd been together for almost three years, and still I had no desire to do anything more than kissing her and maybe fumbling a bit underneath her shirt. I had noticed long before that I wasn't turned on by the girls in the movies we watched together, but I did like discussing the looks of the guys in there with her. Yeah, not very normal, I know. So I was grateful when Silke finally put it out there, telling me I didn't love her the way I was supposed to, and that it was time for me to realise I liked guys. That didn't take me long, I'd realised that long before actually, and a few months later I even had my first boyfriend, who didn't stay around very long when he realised it wasn't exactly easy to live with a deaf guy. 

Silke always stayed a close friend though, and she had bonded with my sister, who was in her class at university so she was practically always around our house, or around one of us. Zoe kept talking about their little outing to Brussels today, and when I had finished my sandwich, I asked her if there was any point to her story or if she just planned to bore me with details about dresses they had seen and wanted to buy for the upcoming prom of their students' union. She rolled her eyes and signed that there was a point to her story.

"I met a guy on the train when Silke got off at her stop."

"Interesting, did you fuck him in the filthy toilet on the train?"

She rolled her eyes and interrupted our talk by getting up and walking to the kitchen drawers to take out a scrunchie. I followed her with my gaze and once she noticed I was still looking at her, she switched from signing to talking so I could read her lips while she pulled her hair back in a messy pony tail. 

"No, I didn't fuck him. We just talked, and I happened to find out that he's a foreign exchange student who will be in your class starting tomorrow. And he knows sign language."

"He's deaf?"

"No, his father's deaf, and he says his signing is a bit rusty, and he knows a different kind of sign language, but he managed to understand most of mine and Silke's conversation, so he's probably not too bad at it."

"Cool, maybe he can translate for me if Zanna can't come to class." I was still signing because I just liked it better than talking, I'd always feel like I had little control over my voice and even when it was only Zoe, I didn't like feeling out of control.

"I promised him I'd show him around the city after his meeting with your dean tomorrow. Want to come? Silke already said she'd come."

"Let me guess, she thought he's hot?"

Zoe's eyes twinkled and she nodded. "Can't say she's wrong, although I'd choose cute over hot. But I'm not sure Silke will be his taste, if you know what I mean." She was grinning so widely by now that it was hard to read her lips, and I only managed to understand her because I knew her so well. 

"You always think everybody's gay, Zoe."

"I don't. He just really twirked my gaydar. Anyway, are you coming tomorrow?"

"It doesn't really look like I have a choice, do I?"

"True, my darling brother, very true. Anyway, I'm going out with some guys from school in a bit, don't wait up for me."

"I never wait up for you Zoe." I stated, walking over to the fridge to take out the milk and down the last bit that was left in the carton without bothering to take out a glass.

"Yeah, I know, you just don't care about me." she sighed dramatically, turning her eyes up and batting her eye lashes.

"Of course I don't." I smiled, pushed the curly strand of hair that had escaped out of her ponytail behind her ear and kissed her forehead affectionately. "Love you little sis. I'll set my alarm clock at 11, I suppose that's early enough for our little outing?"

She nodded and signed me that we would be meeting Nick and Silke at two before she waved me goodbye as I walked out of the kitchen, back up to my room, back to my loud music.

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