Fuck Her

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Jay POV: I'm so fucking depressed right now. I was expecting for this trip to be a wonderful experience. I had my doubts but I would have never seen that coming. I just don't understand why her mom blew up on us like that. Hell I didn't even get a chance to have a decent conversation with the woman and she already don't like me. It makes no sense to me. Literally, I didn't speak not a word out of my mouth and she started judging our relationship. But you know what I'm not going to let this ruin our relationship. Cause at the end of the day Shae is my woman not her no good for nothing mother.

Shae POV: I swear my mama can be such a bitch at times. She did not have to say all those rides things to Jay. And what made me pissed off the most is that she didn't even take the time out to get to know Jay first. She just started snapping out of no where. And of course I was going stand up for my baby. She was a innocent bystander and I could tell by the look on her face that even if tried to speak that she would burst in tears. And the fact she still has that same look on her face right now as we speak is really crushing my heart. I just wish we could be back in Atlanta but this traffic is terrible. We been stuck in stand still traffic for about a half hour. So I just take the moment to talk to her and see where her head is.

"Baby are you okay? I know you probably are upset but you haven't said a word to me since we got in the car. So I'm begging you please talk to me. Please!?!?" I pleaded

"I'm fine Shae. Just a little hurt on the inside. It just breaks my heart to know that your mother doesn't approve of us. Like I usually don't have to worry about stuff like this. I'm a people's person and I can talk my way out of anything. But the stuff your mom was saying to me was like putting a dagger in my neck. I couldn't find the words to say to her. I have never in my life had someone to treat me like that." Jay said with sorrow

"I'm so sorry that she said all that stuff to you. I'm deeply and truly sorry for even bringing down here and putting you in that type of situation. I promise you if I would have known that she was going to act like that we would have never even left Atlanta in the first place." I said honestly

"It's okay baby. Don't blame yourself for something that had nothing to do with you in the first place. She was being very ignorant and hopefully one day that she will come around. But until that day, all we can do is continue to live our lives like nothing ever happened. I love you Shae and that's all that will ever matter. No matter what happens I will alway be by your side. I'm not going anywhere" Jay said

"Aww baby I love you too. And trust me you ain't gotta worry about leaving. Cause if you even think about leaving I will cut them legs of yours off. The only way you leaving me is if u crawl out of my life." I said with laughter

"Well I promise you don't have to worry about that at all. I want you to be in my life forever. You complete me in everyday possible. You accept me for all of flaws that I have. You don't judge me at all. Your just perfect in every way possible and I'm so glad God put you in my life. I couldn't ask for anything better than you right now. My whole entire world revolves around and that's how it would always be." Jay said seriously

I promise you this is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I knew she was in love with me but I never knew it ran that deep. I promise you I could never ask God for anything better. But just as I was about to start bursting in tears I was blinded my something. It was ring that Jay pulled out of her pocket. It was beautiful and all I could do was stare in shock and amazement. I was speechless. I had no words but apparently Jay did.

"Shaela Johnson will you marry me?"

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