Chapter Three [edited]

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The elevator dinged and the doors parted to reveal the lobby in front of me and a long hallway that stretched out to the left and right as far as the eye could see. I took one step out, boots clicking on the glass and marble tiles.

Approaching the receptionists' desk once again, I asked, "Excuse me. I would like to meet with Manager Zechariah."

The woman looked up. "Asteria...was it? Yes, Manager Zechariah is expecting you. Please wait a few moments." One of her hands clicked on the computer keyboard in front of her, the other holding her left ear, where a silver communication device was located. Seemingly listening intensely, she nodded twice. "Yes, sir."

"He is ready for you," she said without looking up. "Turn right and go all the way down that hallway. You will arrive at Room G20, his office."

"Thank you very much."

As I strode down the well-lit hallway, my boots were the only sound that rippled through the silence. I turned this way and that, catching notice of the room numbers as I went along. They were all the same spotless white with a rectangular plaque centered onto each door.

Finally, my echoing footsteps stopped, and I stared up at the door to the manager's office. "ZECHARIAH" was etched into the glistening silver plaque, and underneath the name were smaller letters that read, "Manager of the Disposal Branch."

I reached up and knocked a solid three times. The sound that bounced back wasn't dull like wood, but more of a light, hollow noise that indicated the door was some sort of glass. A control pad appeared on the left of the doorframe. I held my bracelet up to the screen. A green light swiped across and back again, scanning my ID. A shrill beep emanated from the device, and two words appeared above my wrist in a floating holograph: ACCESS GRANTED by ZECHARIAH.

The door handle turned by itself, pushing the door in with a release of air, accompanied by a slight, sighing breeze. I stepped inside to find a scrawny man in glasses sitting behind a desk, tapping away at a computer keyboard. The room bore an uncanny resemblance to the lobby: a crescent desk stood front and center in a large, otherwise empty room, with glass and marble tiles and translucent white walls that were lit from underneath by tiny, albeit bright, lights. At the back was a huge panel of windows that overlooked Ethereal, displaying an ethereal view of our humble home under the night sky. A Recharge Chair was placed in a back corner. The door automatically shut behind me, the slam bouncing off the walls of the room.

The sound of tapping stopped, and Zechariah rose to take a good look at his guest. He wore the standard uniform, but a white cloak flowed behind him and a silver, star-shaped pin glittered at his breast, signifying his position. A sliver of blond hair swung over his right shoulder. In good manner, he took off his glasses and placed them on the desk, his dull, olive green eyes meeting mine in greeting. "Asteria."

I went around the desk and shook his gloved hand. "Hello, Zechariah, sir. Elder Charmeine informed me a few minutes ago that I have been promoted to your position."

"Ah, yes." Zechariah's gaze flickered to the identical pin on my uniform. He gestured for me to follow him to the U-shaped couch behind the desk that faced the windows and encircled a snow-white rug made of some unknown fur. Sitting down, he patted the spot next to him. "Why don't you sit down, Asteria?"

I joined him at the couch, looking around. "You have a lovely room, sir."

"You have my gratitude. Ah, but this couldn't be done without the Architectural Branch. They sure do design some interesting buildings. But back to the matter at hand." Zechariah turned to face me. "You see, I have been informed by the higher-ups that I am to reincarnate in 24 hours."

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