Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I know I don't usually include media, but please listen to this song while you read this chapter. (It's AmaLee's English cover of "Brave Shine" by Aimer. You anime fans may recognize this.) I listened to this while writing this, and it relates to this chapter unusually well. It's truly a beautiful and inspirational cover. ^^

I started shivering. I felt cold... Unbearably cold. I stared down at Lance's unconscious body, then back up to the brilliant Xapham. The angelic face that I once thought was full of justice and kindness was now the face of a murderer.

"W-What did you do to him?" I muttered in shock, unable to understand him. Why didn't he realize...?

"He was touching y-"

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" I demanded, screaming this time.

Xapham drew back in shock. "Such vulgar language..." His face scrunched up in disdain. "This man here has tainted your purity with his clever words and misleading actions. He was luring you to become one of them. Those hateful creatures." He reached down and pulled out the needle, which was dripping with fresh blood. "I just drugged him. Don't worry, he's not forgotten yet."

He was right; Lance's body was still glowing, meaning his Star of Memoria was still intact. I knelt next to him, rubbing circles on the back of his hand. My whole body relaxed when I realized that, but I became angrier again by the second. "He tainted my purity, you say? He was luring me into a trap, you say? Well, I don't care."

Jumping to my feet, I slapped myself in the chest a couple times for emphasis. "This is who I really am! You Angels are the ones that should be punished! Creating this imperfect world and making people think it's perfect against their own will... Have you no shame?! What was the purpose of creating another afterlife? Huh? You're all servants of God, aren't you? Shouldn't you be in Heaven, aiding Him, not committing sins and crimes by ruling Ethereal?"

Xapham put up a hand, and my voice was suddenly cut off. I gasped at the sudden suction of breath from my lungs, hands reaching up to my throat, struggling to speak. When he raised his eyes, they were blood red. "Remember who you're talking to, girl. I am an Angel, the Head Angel, no less. You dare speak to me this way, and I'll definitely harm this man you speak so fondly of. Understand?"

Mouth open slightly, silent tears flowed down my face as I started reminiscing of the past. What did I do to deserve this? Why couldn't I have just gone to Heaven like I was supposed to? Why, why, why?

Xapham reached down and picked up Lance like he was some lowly animal. "Goodbye, Asteria." His face contorted into a menacing smile. "This will be the last time you ever see your beloved."

I pounced forward to stop him, but he had already disappeared.

My voice was back. But that didn't matter. I held my face in my hands, sobbing, not believing what had just happened. Lance was gone...

That was when I realized what love truly was. Lance was right. It was difficult to explain. I could only explain it as the greatest one-word oxymoron in all of existence. Deep in my heart, in my soul, I knew that I had found someone to love, and he loved me back. But that person was gone now.

I felt my brain starting to deteriorate again, just like when I saw the Inner Village burning to the ground. I slapped myself. Stay sane, Asteria! A newfound courage rushed through my veins as a plan arose in my mind. A crazy plan. A dangerous plan. A plan I was going to use to exact my revenge. I'm going to defeat the Angels and destroy Ethereal. Then Lance and I would be together again like he promised...

I threw open the door, but before I left, I turned and took one last look at my office. This was where I worked in peace not a few nights ago. And this was also where I last talked to Charmeine. I gritted my teeth. I thought she was so kind and cheerful, but she committed the same sin as Xapham. Slamming the door behind me, I was suddenly glad to leave this wretched place.

Zipping up the back of my uniform the best I could, I stepped out of the building. Something wet was falling from the sky, and on instinct, I reached out to catch the drops in little pools in my palms. Rain.

The only sound in the air were the tiny drops slapping the ground. The rain had smothered the burning village, and all that was left were piles of wood and stone, gray ash and dust, and curls of smoke rising into the air. Nothing stirred; it was all very eerie. I smiled a sad smile. God's gift had come a little too late.

On a whim, I reached down and, with all my might, ripped off a piece of my white skirt, now stained. Dirt and dust had ruined a formerly spotlessly clean piece of cloth. A smile emerged on my face at the sight. Tying the cloth around my head like a bandana, I ran down the hill.

It was time to leave behind all feelings of attachment to this world and declare war.

As I sprinted through the ash and dust, I crossed my fingers in hope. The rebels had to be alive. They just had to. What would be the point of rebelling if you couldn't even shield against the might of your own weapons? If you were that weak? I shook my head. The rebels were strong. Tremendously strong. We will prevail. Just like Lance had declared that night in the warehouse.

Hi everyone!

This chapter is the absolute turning point in the story. It shows Asteria's shell starting to fall apart, revealing the raw, determined heroine inside that she was destined to be. Be prepared, people. ^^

Until next time, please



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