Chapter Nine

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We were on the run again. Lancelot - I should really start calling him Lance - said that it would be bad if we were discovered by the Angels. He guided us towards one of the hideouts the other rebels were being sheltered in. I still don't know why I was still allowing him to drag me wherever. Maybe it was the fact that this was an adventure. Something new. Something special. I was extremely curious.

As we ran in silence after that long conversation, I began to wonder. I began to wonder what I was like when I was still alive. What Earth was like. Who the people around me were like. How I died. How those circuits were implanted into me - and everyone else - without being harmed in any way. Where the Angels were now. What they were doing. What my co-workers were doing. How the rebels in that warehouse had fared. What the other rebels were doing. Where we were going.

What kind of life did I live before? One that was void of free will and the ability to think and wonder for oneself? I couldn't believe life after death could be so...dangerous. I shook my head at the notion. I could see why people would rebel if they possessed the ability to.

I looked down at the masculine hand that gripped mine so tightly. My gaze traveled up his arm. For the first time, I paid attention to someone's clothing. A black jacket, torn up and in shreds. A white T-shirt underneath that. A pair of jeans, that was now matted in dirt.

I wondered how Lance died. I really did try to think up the possibilities. But my human brain was still too undeveloped to think up ways to kill someone. Which was totally ironic, since I was talking about the chance of me killing him not half an hour ago.

When I looked up again, I gasped. "Lance, stop!"

He did, and turned around. "What, what is it?"

"Do you see that building over there?" I asked, pointing.

Lance followed where I was pointing. "You mean the one floors?"

"Yes. That is the building I used to work at. There's a Recharge Chair on the ground floor, in my office."

He exhaled. "Alright. Let's hurry before any of my comrades decide to set that building on fire, too."

I nodded. But this time, I grabbed his hand. His cheeks immediately turned red.

"What?" I demanded.

"Nothing," he said, turning away.

I shrugged, and started guiding us to the Disposal Branch building. Locked doors was unheard of in Ethereal. And there was no one at the receptionists' desk. I threw open the door to my office and slammed it close.

Sighing in relief, Lance sat down on one of the couches, looking out towards the skyline of Ethereal. I walked to the large panel of windows, touching the glass, catching my breath. Outside, the insane citizens were roaming around aimlessly, sluggishly, the glow of their Stars almost nonexistent. Almost like... Almost like... Zombies. The word tasted so alien on my tongue when I mouthed it in curiosity.

But a shiver went down my spine when I witnessed one of the "zombie souls" grab a citizen by the shoulders from behind; she had been staring down at a pile of gray ashes that must've once been her house. The zombie opened his mouth and chomped down on the woman's neck. I watched, horrified, as she fell, and the zombie started ripping off her skin and consuming her. My eyes widened when I saw something brilliant and golden enter his mouth: the woman's Star of Memoria.

Quickly diverting my attention away from the horrid sight below, I turned when Lance asked, "How long do you think we can stay here before they find us?"

Staring at me just a few seconds ago, I blinked at his sudden question and thought for a moment. "We should be safe here for a while. They have an inability to sense human presence."

"That means that they'll have to physically scour every corner of Ethereal to find us, right?"

"Yeah. But they do have the ability to teleport."

He chuckled, putting his hands behind his head in relaxation. "Then we have plenty of time."

"Really now?"

"Well, yeah. I suppose security cameras aren't a thing here either."

I frowned. "Security cameras?

"They monitor places to watch out for crimes and such."

"Crime is impossible in Ethereal, Lance. You know that."

"Exactly." He beamed. "So there's a one in a million chance the Angels will find us here." Suddenly, his face fell. His gaze had drifted from my face to something behind me.


"Lance? What's wrong?" I turned around to follow his line of sight.

"No, don't turn around!" he shouted, but it was too late.

My body started to tremble at the scene I witnessed through the glass panels. The whole Inner Village was on fire. Beams of wood and stone came crashing down in the raging inferno that had ripped through and completely devoured the village. Plumes of smoke rose into the sky, coating the originally clear night in a thick layer of gray.

I dropped to my knees. No... This couldn't be... It was completely fine not two minutes ago...

I didn't realize I cared that much for my fellow citizens until something wet started flowing from my eyes, staining my cheeks. Lance stared at me in shock.

"Her first tears..." he muttered. Then, without another word, he dropped down and embraced me, rubbing circles on my back. "Just let it out, Asteria. Let it out."

And I did as he ordered. I screamed up at the ceiling. I screamed at why the Angels had created this world. I screamed out all of the emotions that have built up within me ever since I first arrived here. I screamed at why this world was so perfectly imperfect.

My and Cassi's house was located in the Inner Village. And so were my co-workers'. And half of Ethereal's population.

I could almost sense the thousands of people that were slipping from the memories of their loved ones.

Hi everyone!

This is one of my favorite chapters so far, actually. I think it's written pretty well, considering the last chapter was absolute trash :/ Please tell me what you think! I love hearing feedback from my readers!

Until next time, please



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Ethereal Fall [Undergoing Major Editing] | #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin