Chapter 2

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2 000 years later...
On Olymus in the throne room
Winter Soltsice

Perseus's POV
I have been king for 2000 years now and the world is at piece. We the 14 Olympians are having a meeting,"Olympians! Welcome!" I said,"Do you have anything you want to say?" I asked and all the Olympians stood up. Zues stepped foward,"Perseus! We don't like your ruling, we want to be the rulers of everything!" He yelled and the rest cheerd. I was shocked and sad,"Hestia,Hera,Poseidon even you?" I asked and they nodded looking angry. Then all the gods raised their weapons and shot their powers at me. I could feel myself fading,"Your are banished to Tartarus to be improsoned and tortured there." Hades said. I looked at my throne and said,"This is wrong!" Then I died and fell into Tartarus.

I was in a huge room filled with devices then my warden entered,"My,my the mighty king Perseus at last. This is going to be fun!" He sqeuled. I was silent so he went on,"Firstly, End is going to curse you with... no I don't want to ruin it. Be ready here he comes!" He sqeuled again and I groand. Then I heard heavy footsteps coming toward the door... the door opened. A man in all red appeard with his face hidden,"Perseus, Welcome! I have a present for you, it's the Crazerits Curse. Which means three things. One" he said holding a finger up,"Your going to go insane. Two. You will see the more you lose yourself the more scars will appear on you body that is pitch black. Lastly, you will have the powers of the universe. It can be a curse or to your advantage,because with it you will be able to read everyting's mind,I mean EVERYTHING'S minds even if you don't want to. Now let's begin!" He said and then began chanting. At first I felt nothing, but then the pain started. It hurt so much! Before I could die it stopped. "Now, let the torture begin!" End yelled.

Percy Jackson: Broken...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora