// abortion

652 85 39

tw// mentions of rape and abuse +

before you get pissy at me for being pro-choice let me remind you of why im pro-choice.

there are girls getting raped and end up with a baby of a rapist. there are girls that cannot afford or aren't stable enough to take care of a child for eight teen years. forcing an unwanted child on someone is damaging and it could get mentally and physically abusive to both the parent and the child.

abortion isn't murder. murder happens to a person. not a fetus. the baby also isn't a baby. it has potential to be a baby. in the stomach it is still a fetus/foetus.

before you get defensive about the fetus future let me remind you that the parent has good reasons why they don't want it. its her choice. its her body. she has every right to be able to take something out of her body if she doesn't want it there.

as i stated before, women that have issues with money cannot afford to raise a child. a child let alone costs so much money. poor households can lead to drinking, having little food, health problems, behavioral problems, isolation, abusive behavior, etc. why do you want someone to raise a child in that environment?

now you're probably thinking "what about adoption." adoption has tons of risks. now there are people that are adopted that are okay and stable but there are still risks. kids end up with years of institutional damage. there are many kids that end up raped and abused in the system. there is a high chance of mental health problems. they feel neglected and delayed. they most likely will have abandonment issues. the system is already overflowing with children that need to be adopted by good people. there is so little space for children now.

now even though that isnt enough for some people let me tell you this: raising a child in an unwanted environment is toxic and abusive. 795 million people in the world do not have enough food. real children that have seen the world from outside have died from abuse or neglect every day. please worry about the children that have actually seen daylight before you worry about ones that cant do anything without the support of the woman's insides.

abortion is one of the safest medical procedures. women can literally die from giving birth. women that can support themselves have to die because of something they were forced to have because abortion is seen as a a sin.

im done. bye.

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