// fat shaming

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this is short but yall gotta stop being like "im okay with fat people unless their health is bad" ISTG yall so fake worried about fat people because your preference is thin people over fat people.

yall aint like "im okay with skinny people unless their health is bad" LIKE STOP SAYING IT TO US its so anNOying

fat people =/= unhealthy

another thing, yall gotta stop with the fake ass compliments.
"you're not fat, you're beautiful" why ?? cant ?? i ?? be ?? both ??
no one says to thin people "you're not thin you're pretty" like thin people literally get the best compliments.

fat people are so fucked over they get so much hate like i get thin people get hate but yall get it to a minimum compared to fat people.  like why ,, why is it peoples natural instinct to be like "oh he's so fat"

im tired of seeing yall be like "thicc ass sunday #" BUT then when a girl comes in w natural cellulite and some fat rolls yall are like "EW NASTY FATASS" liek irndjd im jus annoyed

support ur local fat people ~

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