// my bucket list

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hiii so i got tagged in this by my fav murderize  so im gonna do it cos y not

1. move 2 new york with one of my friends and find a girlfriend
+ its been a dream to live in new york since i was young and ive been there 4 times and I LOVE NEW YORK SO MUCH. it honestly seems like the perfect place for me to live.

2. i really really really want to be in a band.
+ i have been singing and making random sounds for a long time and i really think it would make me happy. i write lyrics and im downloading things to make instrumentals with. i also want my music to be educational and different unlike a lot of artists. i luv music so much i literally cant go anywhere without listening to music. if i can make music w friends or whoever, its gonna be so much fun.

3. meet michael clifford and be his friend
+THIS SEEMS EXTREME BUT THATS THE POINT !! ok yall know i LUV michael and most people ship them with him but i don't i just wanna meet him and be his friend. i luv him and his personality. i would luv 2 educate him on things he doesn't understand. we would be good friends idk...

4. start a clothing company for +size girls that had aesthetic clothes like tennis skirts and such
+ if u don't know im a plus size hoe and i luv cute aesthetic clothing but i cant really buy most of them because because they only cater to xxs-l. i absolutely HATE fat shaming. i know most clothing lines/brands or whatever don't mean to but they need to realize that fat girls, boys, non-binary, etc exist! it makes a lot of +size people feel bad about their weight because they cant be wear what they want because there is NO clothes for them. jesus christ. anywho. yes i want that.

5. take care of my body/mind better
+ i don't really like my face that much, and i feel like id take care of myself better if i got a nose job. idk i just feel like there NO point in clearing my skin if im not going to be happy with my face still. i also want to eat better and not being lazy and work out so im not tired. i don't know why im lazy on myself because im not with anything else.

6. meet all of my online friends
+ i have SO many online friends and i want to meet all of them because they all had/have an important part in my life. my friends make me happy and ive had some of my best friendships online.

7. wanna go to a concert for every of my favorite artists (so far i have 1d, 5sos, and melanie down.. need like 20 more)
+ music is a big part of my life and most of these artists and bands have helped me through rough times because ive known a lot of them for a long time or since they started and its so so so so important to me that i know they are the real thing i always read about and to let them know how much they mean to me.

8. this seems boring but i REALLY want to go to a pride parade
+ im pansexual : update , lesbian now : , ive never really praised it outside of the internet and i think that would be a great way to finally open up about me.

9. be in a feminist group
+ feminism is a big part to my life. im always trying to educate people about equality for all genders, races, sexualities, body types, etc and i feel it would be much more effective to be in a group that have each others backs. it very important for me to educate the uneducated without being rude and insulting. also it would be very beneficial because not every person knows everything about every subject and we would help each other. idk.

: update :
10. go to an abandoned place
+ ok, i've always had like a whole aesthetic thing with old places and they're always so pretty to me i don't get it. theres something so interesting about the history. my goal is to go to italy (my grandpa is from italy and he wants to take my family there) and i want to see ospedale in volterra (which was called the place of no return) where it was shut down due inhuman treatment. its so interesting. i wanna see the remains of it. the fact that people lived there is so interesting to me i don't know.

thats all for now because im still young and don't know what i fully want yet.

everyone that i tagged changed their name and this is old so :)

luv u all

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