hello + update

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so i haven't been on wattpad in yeaaaarrrsss and i decided i want to make myself barf by reading all the stupid sjw tumblr shit i wrote when i was 14. I am SO sorry sdlksk

I have educated myself a lot since the last update of any of my "books" on here. i just wanted to say in spite of what i use to think,

1.  liberal democrats arent your friends pls dont listen to them. they are equally as guilty as republicans and people in middle ground. they are using your wants and needs to gain and will take advantage of you. 

2. shaming individuals for consuming plastic isn't ok. blame capitalist corporations that force us to use non-eco-friendly material. 

3. capitalism will kill us and the planet. there is no saving it under capitalism. 

4. there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

5. free Palestine

6. fanwars arent everything. once you grow up you realize none of it actually matters.

7. there is no unproblematic celebrity don't try and think there is one

8. don't fall for police propaganda.

9. don't fall for anti-communist propaganda against countries like china and north korea

10.  stan dreamcatcher :D

so.... i doubt anyone of you are still on wattpad but if you are reading this and you wanna be mutuals on twitter my most used twitter  @'s are satanlick and snotcult :D 

wattpad was really fun and also really cringy (its like minecraft)

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