// leafyishere & his stans

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hiyo ok so i got into another silly ig fight w someone and they called someone who did something small problematic ... but they stan leafyishere

and if u don't know who that is i guess u havent been on youtube in forever but leafy is a 20 yr old kid that makes yt videos and calls people cancer and stuff in them like ok ... he shows parts of a cringy  youtube video and commentates on it like ok ok

but what bothers me abt leafy is that 70% of his content is making fun of kids like ??? how is that not pr*blematic ?? i hate using the word problematic now im gonna call it ugly. anyways, leafy calls kids r*tards and cancer as like a "joke" and this girl that i was talking about at the beginning says leafy isnt ugly... ok....

listen i like leafy i think he's kinda funny and i even subscribe to him but i hate that he's so ugly sometimes. like calling kids the r slur is so ugly. just a few months ago he made fun of an autistic guy. like how do u not call this ugly ?

leafy can b funny sometimes but don't say he's just joking because if u say that with that logic someone could kidnap a girl and then b like "its just a joke lol 😂" and it would b totally fine like JUST PLEASE ACCEPT THAY THE PERSON U STAN HAS FLAWS BYE !!

this doesnt go only for leafy but for anyone who had ugly sides to them like if u stan someone and they offended people don't say its just a joke ok

anyways imma go watch kpopp BYE

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