Chapter #13| Adventure!

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I blushed standing naked before these handsome Italian men, how the hell did I comply with their demands to be naked before them. My small hands covered my crotch as it twitched against my palm, the moment we had sex for the first time they all couldn't keep their hands off of me. Slowly day by day I crave their touch, my swollen hole still twitch begging their c*ck to thrust back in.

"C-Can I put my clothes on now?" I asked

"No!" they replied in sync. I looked away not wanting to meet their sadist gaze, I saw a plastic bag filled with sex toys Matteo ordered Fernando to go buy from Condom Kingdom. I'm still recovering from yesterdays event when Abele f*cked me, just imagining them using these sex toys upon me makes me horny. I felt sorry for Fernando seeing him standing awkwardly as they continue to whisper their sexual fantasies to me. Fernando made it loud and clear he's straight and not to mention our sexual activities when he's around but Matteo seemed to enjoy teasing him.

"Lay on the couch and spread your legs" said Matteo

"No! you said if I strip naked you'll take me to the beach" I replied.

"I say 'may' not 'will' take you to the beach Xander, do as I say otherwise you'll be punished" Matteo replied. I gasped the bastard is lying, I know what I've heard, I stand my ground not complying with his demand.

"If you's won't take me to the beach then no sex for a week" I yelled then stomp out of the living room, I heard loud foot steps following behind me making me giggle.

"You don't mean that baby" said Antonio

"Two can play that game boys, either listen to me or no sex simple as that" I replied

"You're playing with fire Xander" Matteo warned

"I'm not afraid of you Matteo, I'm prisoned inside this house, I feel like I'll soon turn crazy so unless you bloody take me to the beach this instant or no sex. I won't let any of you's enter my room and no more blow jobs to" I hissed

"It's to dangerous" said Luca

"I understand that but you's aren't sure how long we'll stay here so I'm not staying in this house until you's make up your mind. I'm bored and I want to go on a adventure! I researched a lot places to go first and the food here looks delicious" I replied sounding excited.

"Xander we told you plenty of times why you can't go outside, you're Dante's main target so we aren't risking anything to give him a chance to catch you" said Abele

"You guys are in the Mafia so have your men watch over me, Fernando's men are already tracing our every move and I have you's with me I'm perfectly safe and I just want to go outside and explore is that to much to ask for?" I said

"Our men are watching over you and this house but that's not the point, Dante's is more powerful than us Xander, the power we have is nothing compared to his we're basically powerless" said Vettorio.

"Fine no sex" I said. I hear their groans of frustration as I slam my bedroom door shut, I sit by the window looking out to the beach. I wanted to out there so badly and swim, the last time I went to the beach was with my father before he died. It brings back happy memory of him, he'll always have a picnic at the beach with me and build sand castles together.

"Xander let us in" Luca called. I sighed and unlock the door allowing them to enter, I went back to my seat next to the window and look out at the beautiful view.

"Baby we're sorry for not allowing you to go outside but we all agreed to go together tonight and have dinner. The condition is we won't stay out late at night okay and we'll think about going to the beach another day" said Antonio

"That's good with me! I'm so excited! I got a list of restaurants to try" I replied

"After we return we'll be f*cking you real good baby" Matteo whispered. I shivered and blushed as he nipped my ear.


We drove to Surfers Paradise, it was pretty busy around this time, it seemed more around after 5 PM as we finally manage to find a car park Xander grip my hand and dragging me towards the beach. The view of the sun settling is beautiful, Xander stood still watching the sun set while the others catch up to us.

"They have everything here" said Xander. I nodded in response.

"Look Hungry Jacks, I heard it's like Burger King or something" he said. We walked around looking at everything, we even went inside time zone and played a few games.

"Want a coffee or something else?" I asked Xander

"Ummm ... just a hot chocolate please" he replied. I nodded and walked inside Starbucks to order some coffee and a hot chocolate for Xander. I notice a group of girls waiting in line ahead of me keep looking at me. I ignore their stares and lean against a pillar looking outside watching Vettorio kiss Xander, I smiled seeing them laugh. I say my ordering waiting to my left until I felt someone touch my arm, I turned and notice a women from that group look up at me.

"You new? Haven't seen you around Surfers before" she said

"Yeah I'm new here" I replied. She smiled look back at her group then turning back to me, I sighed, don't have time to talk to her.

"My friends and I can show you around and you know have a good time" she suggested. I forced myself to not roll my eyes, can she tell by my attitude I'm obviously not interested? I just want them to hurry up and make my order so I can go kiss Xander.

"Not interested" I replied. They called my name so I went to collect my order.

"Vettorio, nice name your Italian" she said

"Wonder what gave it away" I replied sarcastically. I turned away from them and walk back to the others, I smiled looking at Xander's beautiful self until his smile turn into a frown.

"Hey! here's my number so don't hesitate to call me, I can show you a good time" she said. This chick doesn't take a hint, I opened my mouth to reply until Xander stood in front of me.

"Listen here, he won't be needing your damn number because he ain't interested" Xander hissed 

"Last time I checked I'm not talking to you so shut the f*ck up" she hissed. I felt anger boil within as she think she has every right to insult Xander.

"B*tch please the way you're dressed and how you stink of fresh sex I suggest you take your STD self away from my man and find another who's desperate to f*ck you" said Xander

"Your gay!" she yelled. The others laughed but Xander still looked pissed, I wanted to grab him and take him home to f*ck him good.

"I am" I replied

"The only person who's giving my man a good time is me and he is willing to f*ck me till I pass out so f*ck off and leave us alone" Xander yelled. She glared at Xander until she looked behind him seeing the others, she looked she seen a ghost himself because they're indeed handsome.

"What about you guys, want to hang out" she asked

"They're mine as well so f*ck off!" Xander yelled. A few people turned their heads watching the scene we're creating.

"W-What? what a sl*t" she said

"I'm a sl*t only for them because I don't need to throw myself at random men to get f*cked and brag how good I am. I have my five sexy men to f*ck me whenever they want and I'm always satisfied so take your STD self else where" Xander said.

"Xander lets go have some dinner" said Matteo. Xander nodded and glared at her then walking away, we headed inside Hog's Breathe Café for dinner tonight. We continue to tease Xander for being jealous and basically claiming us publicly. After dinner we bought some ice cream and drove home together, it was a long night that we immediately went to bed.   

Block A  (Manxman| Mafia) BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now