Chapter #22| Truth revealed

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A/N: Sorry for another short chapter, gosh this common now. I am a busy women so short chapters will be common but add least I updated so please don't rush me.


I looked around the bed room hoping I'll see Fernando in sight but nothing not how focus my vision can be he isn't here so where is he? I squealed hearing the bedroom door slam open then slammed it shut, Dante stared at me like he wants to kill me and if looks could kill, I'll be dead by now.

I tried to ease my breath feeling my unborn baby kick within my pregnant stomach, I bite down onto my bottom lip to let a whimper slip through my lips. I refuse to cry in front of a monster like him, he deserve to suffer what he did to my men.

"Monster!" I yelled

"Shut up! you know nothing!" Dante hissed. His hands grip his pants as he constantly look behind him the glance out the window a few times, the man is beyond crazy.

"I know you've tortured my men, you abandon your own sons leaving them to defend themselves, they were just boys who needed their father the most. A women who carried them for nine months need her man to protect her but you destroyed their lives" I replied

"Shut up" he said but I continued knowing I am asking for a death wish but he needed to know the pain he's caused, the destruction he bought to people around him, he needed to pay.

"You know what's the sad part, you enjoyed it and it's sick. Killing an innocent child, for what purpose! Abby didn't deserve such death nor did Abele or Vettorio should of witness it. You're nothing but a monster, a coward who runs from his problems. I do not fear you Dante and never will because a man like you will burn and never rise" I said

"I said shut the f*ck up!" he roared and punched my cheek, I groaned in pain but again refuse to cry in front of him no matter how much pain he gives me.

"I loved her! I killed her own brother to be with her, to be together like we both wanted! you think I wanted this!" Dante yelled. I stared at him wide eye, I was lost for words, who is this man before me? This isn't the monster my men told me about, is this the real Dante?

"Why? Dante, why?" I asked

"Power" he replied

"Is it?" I asked

"You better learn to shut the f*ck up when you're told" he growled

"Let me go Dante, we can end this" I try to reason knowing my response is just plain stupid.


We moved around the house slowly and quietly, viewing our entrance and exit and amount of men in per room. I signal Luca and Abele to go right while Vettorio, Antonio and I go left, with my gun ready in my hand, I am taking no mercy.

"Clear" Antonio whispered. He soon picked the lock slowly opening the back  entrance, we move quickly inside taking cover and move slowly around the house. One by one we take out each of Dante's men quietly as we can, we then meet at the hall way entrance of Xander's bed room.

"I loved her! I killed her own brother to be with her, to be together like we both wanted! you think I wanted this!" Dante yelled. I froze, I looked at Luca in confusion, slightly hearing the conversation in the room, why is he talking about our mother?

Waiting no more, Abele kick the door open, hearing Xander's scream in surprise we all pointed our gun on Dante. I glared at Dante, he's no father of mine, I looked at Xander and my blood boiled more. Seeing his face bruised, I pushed through Luca and my friends and punch Dante hard, he groaned in pain and fell back.

"Fight back you f*cker!" I roared. Pointing the gun right on his forehead, he blankly stared at me like there's no emotion linger within his gaze. I wanted to see the fear within his gaze, I wanted to see him tremble before me, I wanted to hear him beg for his life before I take it.

"Matteo wait!" Xander yelled

"I missed you" Dante whispered.

"I finally come back to you" he said

"He thinks you're his wife" said Xander. Knowing how similar my mother and I looked but doesn't explain what he's talking about, I know well about his disease.

"Maria" Dante whispered (I don't remember if I mentioned their mom's name so her name is Maria)

"Don't say her name you bastard!" Luca hissed

"You liked that f*ckers f*cking you boy!" Dante growled at Luca. Luca eyes widen in fear as he took a step back, Abele even looked alert.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" said Luca

"Don't play dumb with me, those men who raped you over and over again before you killed them like a monster, father like son I guess" Dante replied. Dante laughed and began to talk to himself as he constantly looked behind himself.

"What is he talking about Luca?" I asked

"N-Nothing I swear" he replied

"How old?" I asked but he remained quiet

"How old!" I roared.

"Calm down Matteo" said Antonio

"Don't f*cking tell me to calm down, how old" I yelled

"S-Seventeen" Luca whimpered. I felt a small hand touch my shoulder, anger boiled within soon eased as I see my lover looking concern.

"How did you know about this?" I asked Dante. He laughed.

"I know everything boy, could careless" he replied. I punched his face over and over again until the boys had to take me away.

"You're dead, you hear me!" I roared.

"Kill me then! I am a dead man walking" Dante replied

Block A  (Manxman| Mafia) BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now