Ch 9:

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A few hours later I felt my eyes flutter open as I looked around the hotel room. It was completely silent, suddenly I felt a warm sensation on my hand when I looked over there he was...Azusa was holding my hand slumped over in his chair fast asleep, it was actually really cute. How long had he been there? I sat staring at him before he started moving and grunted as his eyes fluttered open. "Oh did I wake you?" I asked him in a whisper "No" I breathed a sigh of relief " long have you been there?" "One hour..." "ONE HOUR...oops...have I been asleep for that long already?" "Ya, the others went to beach since you fell asleep and I was told to stay and watch over you while your headache got better..." he yawned and stretched before slumping over again. Oh no we are alone...ALL ALONE... as I started panicking he breathed a long sigh before fixing his gaze on me "this is all my fault isn't it... this morning you were a complete clutz when you looked at me...I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you..." oh no please don't be... but of coarse I wasn't gonna tell him the reason I was a clutz was because I was aching for more... " don't have to be sorry..." "Huh?..." "I umm...ummm...actually I know...liked it..." I said that last part in whisper trying to avoid him from hearing but being the sharp one he is he heard and a grin began to form "oh? Shall we do take two then...and this time I'm not stopping..." "Oh! Ummm...wait just moment!" "Nope" he began making his way to me on his hands and knees and was about to reach out when...knock knock "Azusa! Is Haru awake!!" "Damn..." he slowly whispered to himself "Ya she's awake and she's fine!..." I hadn't noticed but my headache was completely gone "Alright if so you guys can come to the beach...if she's up for it!..." I had a feeling Azusa was going to say "no she's doesn't" or something so I instantly took over "Yes, Yes I'd love to go!!" "I'm glad to hear you so cheerful! I'll be waiting in the lobby" we heard his footsteps walk to the hall before I jumped out of the bed ran to my bag and opened it to search for a swim suit "Oh well hopefully next time there'll be no distractions" Azusa sighed "I'll be waiting outside the door..." he stepped out into the hall way as I picking out an orange two piece. I quickly got changed and look myself over in the mirror I the bottom of my swim suit was high waisted with a little skirt and my top had the same little piece of orange fabric that created the skirt on the bottom except it outlined the entire top. I put on some flip flops grabbed a towel and opened the door (of coarse I wrapped myself in the towel so he wouldn't see) and together me and Azusa headed for the beach with Masaomi

Brothers Conflict: Haru AsahinaWhere stories live. Discover now