Ch 13: Apologies Made With Love

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WARNING THIS CHAPTER GOES ALL THE WAY (somewhat)!!!! WITH A THREESOME!!!! 18+ unless you have a really mature mind...well I would expect you to since ya know this whole book is filled with smut...ANYWAY...just don't continue reading if you don't like this, for those of you that know why you are reading this...Enjoy!!!

I don't know why but I just didn't feel like going back to the hotel yet, since hot tears were running down my face I knew questions would be asked and I didn't really want here I am walking around the beach late at night all...alone. I sat on a large rock and stared of into the night...I said such awful things, how am I to face them? I made them seem disgusting but wasn't i enjoying it too? How can I stand in front of them again and be able to look at them as my brothers when my body gets hot with desire just looking at them?...questions raced through my head as I wiped the tears from my face before I heard walking steps behind me, in an instant I turned around and saw Fuuto and Azusa standing there,"Haru, we are so sorry..." I climbed down from the rock and stood in front of them pausing for a second before running into their arms. "No...I should be the one apologizing...I'm so sorry..." "Haru..." they both sounded confused when they said my name, but soon became calm and hugged me back "Azusa...Fuuto I...I love you much..." both became astounded and flustered before Fuuto began to speak "W-We love you too..." "But not like our sister..." I smiled and began to hug them harder "I know...I love you...but not like my brothers..." both brothers smiled at each other before whispering in my ears "wanna show us?" "Huh?...mmmm" Fuuto's lips connected with mine as Azusa began licking my ear, and both of their hands began to caress my sides. Both stopped for a second and Azusa, grabbed my hand and led me away.

They led me away to a fancy little cabin deep in the garden where no one would see us inside were candles flower petals and a bed which Azusa had plopped me on, as both boys climbed over me and swiftly began unbuttoning my shirt "W-wait...if we are gonna do this we need to be even..." both boys grinned got up and began taking off their clothes...OMG I didn't think they'd take off everything that fast... "There now we are even..." Fuuto said as they both climbed back on top of me. They finished unbuttoning my shirt and tossed it aside, Fuuto hand slipped under my back and unclipped my bra, as he tossed it aside I immediately covered my breast with my hands "Don't hide them" Azusa grabbed my hands and with ease preyed them off my breast. Both stared for a...that's it your just gonna look at them... "A-Azusa-ahhhhhh" each boy took a nipple and began to play with them, before engulfing them with their mouth"ahh mmmmmm" their tongues easily circled around my pink tips as my back arched with pleasure. Their hands began to travel as they each took a side of my shorts and began to shimmy them down along with my lacy panties, Fuuto hand traveled back up my sides as Azusa's began to play with my sweetest spot "ahhh...A-Azu-...mmmmm...ahh" Fuuto slipped underneath me making me sit up as Azusa removed his glasses and placed his head between my legs..."AHHH...MMM...N-Not there...ahhh" Azusa's tongue slowly licked my clit while Fuuto continued to play with my breast occasionally circling my nipple with his tongue before giving one powerful suck. "Ahhh...F-Fuuto...A-Azusa...Yes...mmm" "Haru..." "Oni-Chan..." they both whispered before both whispered together "I Love You..."

You can probably guess what else happened that night...For those who haven't guessed already lets just say they didn't let me sleep a wink last night...❤️❤️

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