Ch 11: Idk

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I made my way back to the rest of he group from the shed, my lips still warm where Fuuto had kissed me Haru...Haru?...Huh sounds like someone is trying to call me "HARU WATCH OUT!!" "Huh?..." when I was knocked out of my daze I felt something hard hit me in the side of the head as I collapsed backwards "OWWW!!!..." when I looked to my side I saw a beach volleyball roll away as Ema came to check on me and my head "Haru!! Are you ok!!" "Huh? Yeah I think so..." "What's gotten into you?... You been acting weirdly since we got here" "Weird? Pfffttt I'm not acting weird!! Hahhahahahaha!!!.......*sigh* I'm just gonna have a seat under the umbrella over there..." when I sat down all I could think about was Fuuto's last words and I drifted off to sleep

Hey My Loves!!! OMG I haven't posted in like FOREVERS and I am SOOOO srry!:(:(:( but I'm back so YAY!!! I'll try and update frequently NO PROMISES!! Love you!!

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