Not everything we do is for guys..

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So this really bothers me and I'm sure if it does anyone else but why do guys think that if a girl dresses up or does her hair really nice or gets her nails done it's because of them? Like no I choose to wear this outfit because I wanna look flipping amazing for myself and feel confident in what I'm wearing.

It's not like I wake up every morning and think 'OMG I MUST TOTALLY DO MY HAIR SUPER PRETTY OR PUT ON MY CUTEST OUTFIT FOR A GUY TO NOTICE'. Like no.

Why don't guys understand that girls like feeling comfortable in there own skin, and for us to be able to do that some of us dress up in adorable outfits, others put on spectacular makeup or even do there hair crazy amazing just because they do. Because when they look in the mirror, and thinking 'dang don't I look hot today' feels amazing. It literally changes my attitude.

So no boys, not everything we do is for you. Heck most of the things we do is for ourselves, not you!


In other news sorry guys I haven't been on here a while, I've been dealing with my own problems but I think I'll try posting more on her. Especially with most of us going back to school, rather that be; college, highschool or even middle school.

Good luck this school year guys!! :D

(Dont forget vote if you found this interesting or agree and don't forget to comment as well for anything you may need advice on (or DM me) or maybe even something you want my opinion on.)

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