{8} Ex's

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Question: How do you get over an Ex?

Honestly, I think it takes time more than anything. It takes time to find the right balance after breaking up with someone. You probably have more time on your hands and the you use that time is up to you, You could sulk around or start to pick yourself up piece by piece.

Im not saying it's going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. You just have to find yourself again. It's okay if it makes you sad but don't forget to put yourself back together again after.

Only you truly know you. It's different for everyone; some get over there ex by finding someone new, others work on the relationships with other people, some take a step away from dating and work on themselves, others take time to find the inner peace as well, but there is a bunch of different ways. You just got to find what fits you and your situation.

Don't forget you have so many people there for as well who want to help you through your breakup, talk to them!

Just remember don't dwell on it to much or it's going to get worse, but sometimes it needs to get worse before it gets better.


Ehh comment your thoughts on exe's!

Off to the side is a quote one of Taylor Swifts songs! "Love is a ruthless game!"

Sorry if that's a big jumble of stuff and doesn't make sense, its 2 in the morning and I'm so sleepy hahaa!

Also comment or message me questions on advice or heck comment your own advice, as well as thoughts on different things! Welp goodnight my lovelies!

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