{12} Cheaters

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Question/Topic: How to get over a breakup when he cheats on you.

Cheaters are the worst.

They are the lowest of the lowest, if you ask me.

If he cheated on you, he's not worth any if your time. Forget about him and move on.

I'm not saying it's going to be easy moving on from this breakup, because he cheated on you, but it's best if you did. Find time for yourself and mend up that broken heart of yours. Get with your girls and have a fun girls day.

Another way to go is if you feel strong enough, talk to him about it. I know that may sound stupid or hard but sometimes you need that closure to get over it, to move on, and feel better. Let him know what he did but also ask him the questions you were wondering. That may sound hard to do, but it's going to help with the healing process.

Don't forget either that not ever guy is a cheater. Some guys out there are actually decent human beings and really nice and sweet.

Take a step away from the dating game for awhile as well. You need time to find yourself and mend up the heart of yours again. I'm not saying that you can't date again, but take time to work on yourself again.

Don't ever, ever forget that there is people right there for you, wanting to help you through the rough time so open up to them and let them help.

For jadielynn Hope this helps!!!

Cheaters are the worst!!!!!

In other news; wow guys this has a lot of reads, thanks!!! Is this book really helpful and the advice good?

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