{14} Breaks

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I decided to talk about this topic because of something my best friend is going through right now. She was out of state for a few days and when she came back her boyfriend asked for a break with her. She was completely blind sided by it and heartbroken.

If any of you guys go on a break during your relationship due to your partner choosing it just know that it isn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong.

Give them the space they have asked for, and don't be clingy with them. Don't try to talk to them. Some people just need breaks to sort out feelings and make them realize what they already know.

I'm not saying it will be easy. Trust me it's a very hard feat but you will make it through, trust me.
Times my seem hard now, but you can't see the other side where there isn't any rain or pain. Just a bright beautiful sky awaiting you. It doesn't mean anything diffident either when they ask for a break. Just don't overwhelm yourself, from thinking about it to much. Thinking about what you could've possibly done wrong. You didn't.

What you need to do is take your mind out of the gutter and go out with your friends. Don't stay and Home and wallow in sadness because that's not going to help. It's okay to cry but you need to pick yourself up after and rely on your friends. Go have a girls day, even if it has to be an everyday thing. Going out and doing things will help you a lot.

Share with your friends how you are truly feeling because that will help relieve the sadness that is building up inside. Friends, laughter and shopping is always the best medicine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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