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I wake up to find Jace curled up next to me. I smile and get off the bed. I quickly shower and throw on sweat pants and a baggy shirt. I quickly grab a bottle of powerade since I hate coffe to give me energy for the day. I run out the door and see Patch talking to a really gorgeous girl. Her skin was flawless and her hair was in a high glossy pony tail, mine was frizzy and messy. I sigh wishing I could be like that then quickly head for the bus stop.

The bus pulled up and I quickly got on. The only seat was next to Drake, the freaken hot quaterback. I grumbled then sat down. " ugh! The loser's sitting with me," Drake said really loudly. I felt tears stingy eyes. I just look down.


Hey! Guess what? My BFF is the best!!! Haha! Funny right? They r supposed to be the best but any-who, today we walked around my neighbor hood ad ran through a whole bunch of sprinklers! Fun!! Well yeah bye! And luv ya Muffie!!

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