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" What did you say Bitch!" Derek growled. " nothing," I whimpered baking away. He grabbed me by the front and whispered in my ear " meet me behind the school. Today after school. Be there or you'll regret it," then he let go and walked away. I sniffed away the tears and ran to class. I say in the back and did all my work.

School went by too quickly. I slowly made my way to the back of the school. There I found Derek and the football players. Derek grinned at me. I started to run away but someone grabbed me. I screamed but was slapped. I stopped. I was so used to this being made fun of. But not being hit. After the shock wave passed I screamed again. Someone had their hands on me. " stop!" I begged. Then the guy was pulled off me. "leave her alone!" I voice growled. "Patch?" I asked. I couldn't get up. Me ribs felt broken. " yes Ally?" "help!" I heArd all the football jerks run away. I was picked up. Then everything went black.

So? How was it? Short? I know but plz read on!

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