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Hello everyone my name is Erica and you're watching Disney Channel. Just kidding but hello and welcome to my first cube fan fiction! I have been watching the cube for about two months now (edit on 2/15 more like 7 months now...edited 3/29 more like 8 months)  and I know that may not seem like a lot but remember how obsessed you were when you first started watching. Before I watched the cube I already knew a lot about MineCraft so don't be thinking "oh she only has two months of MineCraft experience."  Now I'm saying to myself I will make a list so just look at the end to see who will be included. Okay well thats it! I hope you enjoy and I'll type something after the chapter

3/29 OMG IM FINALLY POSTING THIS. I started this story in august and was scared to post it. All the pax south stuff actually used to be Minecon but it's been too long. Anyway I hope you enjoy


Caitlin's POV

I walked into my apartment to here yelling coming from my two roommates. I threw my backpack down and ran into the other room.
"Admit it I love One Direction more than you Brayden!" Mitch yelled in his face
"Never." He gasped. I giggled and the noise stopped as they turned their heads to me.
"Now boys we talked about this I'm the biggest One Direction fan and you two aren't allowed to think other wise." I smirked at them.
"You're right I forgot. Sorry. Mom." Mitch laughed. And I glared at him. "You're such a weirdo." I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. I sat down at my computer to film a video for my YouTube channel. I had yet to do a face reveal and was nervous because I would be doing it at Pax South in just a week. (A/N I know it already happened but it fits with the plot)

"hey guys it's Caitlin here bringing you another episode of BUILD BATTLLLLLLLEEEEE!" I said build battle quite loudly, my mistake because then the boys heard I was recording and ran in to bother me. "Oh hey Caity you're recording?" Brayden asked sitting on my bed. "Because I can sing for you if you want." "Shut up Bray now I have to edit this out because I don't want my viewers calling me that now scram."I laughed shooing him away. We've been best friend since we were 5. We are like brother and sister, same with Mitch. "So Rusher just came in and bothered me so yay more editing." I said sarcastically addressing Brayden by his we'll known Minecraft username. "Anyways lets get started. So the first build isssssss... A duck. Really? That's it? How basic. All right lets make the ground water and-" I stopped talking because I heard my two best friends laughing out side my door. "GO AWAY!" I yelled being fake annoyed. "Sorry about that, those two LOSERS can't leave me alone." I smiled and continued my video.

Once I was done recording I stood up from my computer and left my room so I could go make dinner. I know I should have the guys cook for me since they were being annoying, but if you've ever had their food, you would want to cook too. So I went into our kitchen and pulled the ground beef out of the fridge and put it in a frying pan. Then I put a pot of water on the stove and made spaghetti and meat sauce (A/N thats what I call it but a lot of people call it other things so sorry if you don't know what it is)

"Dinners ready!" I called to the boys, and they came running into the kitchen. We all sat down to eat and discussed next week which was Pax . "So are you two excited to meet your little friends?" I asked. "Are we ever?" Brayden said. "Of course." Mitch cut in. "but what about you? aren't you excited to meet them?" he asked. I guess I was but I never really got to know them. I've only met one of their friends.  Graser because he lives in Canada too. "Well I mean I don't know them but I guess so." I honestly said. "Oh well that makes sense." Mitch replied. In all honestly I actually did want to meet them. They seemed pretty cool. Especially Bee since she was the only girl on the cube.

Once we were done dinner we cleaned up and I was about to walk away when the boys pulled me down onto the couch and put Brayden's laptop on my lap as they sat down next to me. Infront of me were 13 unfamiliar faces. "hello?" I questioned.


list of people in the story

Rusher, Mitch, Graser, Will, Bee, Straub, Grape, H, Parker, Joe, Poke, Ize, Ant, NoBoom, Dfield, and Tybzi (these people will be in the story the most but the other cube members will only be in a little or not at all)

I actually know Caitlin and I was trying to find someone to say she looks like but I didn't want to because I would never picture her like that person because I know her. Caitlin doesn't watch the cube or play MineCraft for that fact but she was helping me come up with ideas with the story and asked to be the main character. I said okay because I hadn't come up with one yet. The reason she is living with Brayden and Mitch was solely based off of her love for One Direction lol. I'm not kidding her being a 1D fangirl helped me start this story. So I hope you enjoy and if you want to find Caitlin her Instagram is / softcloudniall \

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter ! please vote and comment

<3 Erica

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