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Hey sorry this is up late, I forgot to write a chapter over the weekend so I am kind of behind. I will be in the car a lot over the weekend so hopefully I can type something up on my phone that I will edit later. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also there are a lot of people in the cube that I added into that chapter 2 Skype and I don't know if all of the people will get used as much as others but I'll do my best to incorporate as many as I can.

lol i was expecting to post this last wednesday but I'm just posting it monday


Caitlin's POV

After my embarrassing fall, we left the house and headed to the convention center. I was in an Uber with Bee, Isaac, and Will, of course, just my luck. They wanted to get to know me better so they started asking me dumb questions. I was sitting in the front seat, so instead of answering their "what do you like?" questions I asked the driver if he had an aux cord. I plugged my phone in a told them "You can tell a lot about a person by the music they have on their phone." So I pressed shuffle on my music and, yep, One Direction came on. "No wonder you get along with Brayden and Mitch." Bee laughed. "What can I say?" I smiled. Then we all jammed to Little White Lies.

Once we got there we all piled out of our cars, and walked up to the doors of the Convention Center. They were letting the content creators in early so we could walk around. I was so excited, because this was my first convention ever and I was with some cool people. "Alright so what first?" I asked admiring the room around me. "Uhmmm." Liam spoke up. "why don't we head to find the Twitch area?" He suggested and we all agreed and started to look for it. The building was amazing, and I could not wait to meet my viewers for the first time. But first... I needed to do my face reveal.

We got back to the house late that night and Bee and I were very tired. But the guys begged us to stay up and watch a movie with them so we did. I told them I wanted to get in pajama's first though and they agreed to wait. When I returned to the living room the couch was being occupied by Zack, Joe, Brayden, and Mitch. "Rude. I wanted to sit there." I pouted. "Just lay across them." Michael suggested. I laughed and took him up on that offer. I ended up with my head in Mitch's lap and my feet on Zack's. "Sorry about my smelly feet. Not really." I leaned up and looked at him. "Ow!" Brayden screamed "your elbow." I looked down and saw that my elbow was digging into his leg. "ha." I exclaimed, laying back down. Parker was sitting in front of me, so I leaned forward a bit and asked him what movie we were watching. He told me he didn't know so that was a big help. Mitchell started the movie and what they didn't tell me is that it was a horror movie, which I hate, it causes me to have panic attacks. It was okay though because Mitch just stroked my hair to make me feel safe, and I was asleep soon enough anyway. I was awoken by a loud scream and jolted awake. Something scary had just happened in the movie so now was my time to just sneak away. But I realized everyone else was asleep too and it was just Mitchell still watching the movie. Bee was asleep on his shoulder until he screamed so now we were both up. I whispered "Bee let's go to our room and get actual sleep." and she looked at me and nodded. Before we left I stopped her and I took a picture of everyone, because everyone was asleep on top of each other.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of loud obnoxious boys in the kitchen trying to cook. "Ant you're doing it wrong!" "No I'm not Mark leave me alone." "soooo how's it going?" I interrupted as I walked in on two boys covered in flour. "well..." Ant started but Mark continued. "We are making pancakes." He sighed. "is that what you call this?" I questioned looking at the chunky batter sitting in a bowl. "Give me the milk." I ordered staring at the joke of the batter. Ant handed me the milk and I poured some in trying to smooth out the batter. After stirring it for what felt like forever, I finally made it edible. They rest of the guys trickled down, one after another, to the smell of pancakes.

When we all finished eating and getting ready for the day, I told everyone to go into the living room because Bee and I wanted to show them something. I hooked up my phone to the TV, and showed them the pictures of them sleeping. Liam's head was on Parker. Will was lying on Isaac. Ant and Sean were on top of each other, and etc. It was quite hilarious. Then, after that I told them how I was ready to do my face reveal and I wanted them to all be in it. I told them my idea how they would all stand in a straight line and do a funny pose, then run off camera one by one until I was the last person. We all went outside and set up my camera. I pressed play and we stood in a line, then one by one I watch one crazy cube member run away. Brayden was standing right in front of me so when he was the last person I took a deep breath and looked at the camera. "Hey guys it's Caitlin." I smiled shyly, "and this is my face."


SOOOO that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. Leave a comment if you see any grammar mistakes or just wanna say hi.

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