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OMG CHAPTER 2 WOOOOOOO! I like this story.

edit 3/29 I'm actually more of a Poke girl now but when I started this story I was a fake fan and only knew some of the guys... but Will is like almost tied with Poke and I still love him a lot. 

shout out to the  my fave human beans... you know who you are


Caitlin's POV

I stared at the screen confused. "would you like to tell me your names?" I asked waiting for someone to speak. I finally hear a female voice say.

"OH sorry, I'm Bee." I smiled I knew who she was since she was obviously the only girl there.

"Well, hello Bee I like your accent."

"ooooo I have one of those too!" a goofy Australian boy yelled. "I'm Straub, but you can call me Mitchell."

"Straub?" I questioned. "what does that mean?"

"Well, it's my last name, but when I made my IGN I made it STRAUBerryJam. Get it?" he laughed. Then another person cut him off.

"You know me, I'm Graser!"

"Yes I know you Graser. How are you?"

"Very well thanks for asking." He then laughed his iconic laugh.

"Who's next?" I asked while looking at the screen and seeing a cute boy with a hat on. "You boy with the hat."

"Me?" Cute hat boy pointed to himself. OH. MY. GOSH. HE'S BRITISH.

"Yes you." I smirked.

"I'm Will." He said quietly. HOLY MOTHER OF MINECRAFT HE'S SO CUTE.

"Why hello there Will." I quickly looked for another person to ask their name but before I could a boy spoke up.

"Hello I'm Dr. Ize, but you can call me Isaac, yes pronounced eye sack." He laughed, and I gave him a smile.

"I'm Joe."  Another boy said, he was cute in a I would love to be his best friend way.

"And I'm Poke aka Zack and I'm his best friend." He smiled a big cheesy smile.

"awww that's cute. I ship it." I giggled.

"Yeah and so do all our viewers, join the club." Joe rolled his eyes but you could tell he was joking.

"IM GRAPE!!!!!! " another boy laughed.

"Grape?" I asked "Is that your IGN or something?"

"Oh yeah sorry. It's Grapeapplesauce but my name is Sean like the s-e-a-n Sean."

"Why hello seen." I said purposefully wrong. He glared at me but then chuckled.

"And I am The FARTEZ." A guy said in a weird voice. I looked at him puzzled, and he laughed. "Sorry my name is Ant but my IGN is creeperfarts. I have a lot of different names." He explained. "Ohhh, so what about you beard guy."

"Oh I'm-" he started but was cut off by the other boy I had yet to learn the name of.

"hbomb94." unknown boy said in a high pitch voice.

"Thanks for that Parker." Hbomb94 said like he wasn't amused but laughed anyway. "so I'm H but you can call me-"

"LIAAMMMMM." Parker said in a high pitched voice again, I guess this was sort of a thing.

"Liam." he sighed but his eyes shifted as he laughed under his breath. I could tell he was looking at Parker, it was cute.

"So Parker, Liam already introduced you so you don't have to." I smirked and he made a grumpy face. "And next what is your name?" I looked at the guy on the screen.

"Hi I'm dfield but you can call me Mark." He smiled.

"And IM-" Another boy started but was interrupted by Brayden.

"That's my boyyyy NOBOOM!" He laughed

"Yeah, hi I'm Nathan." He smiled.

"Heyooo I'm Tybzi, well you can call me Michael, but you know IGN." He had a very enthusiastic voice, it was funny.

"You guys are like a bunch of 5 year olds, I thought these two knuckleheads were bad." I laughed.

"Hey that's what I call my viewers." Liam interrupted.

"wait seriously?" I asked.

"yeah." He smiled.

I talked to the members of The Cube for about another hour and then I told them I had to go and edit the build battle I had recorded earlier. Before I left they added me to the cube group chat as an honorary member. They asked me if I wanted to join the SMP (which I had been asked multiple times before by Mitch and Brayden) but I told them no, because I didn't want to commit to anything.

After editing and uploading the video I saw the comments rolling in. I mostly get nice comments but you know sometimes there's the ones in there that make you upset. I try hard not to pay attention to them though. I go on twitter and tweet something cute cause I was feeling sappy.

|caitisagamer| don't know where I would be if I never met my best friends |thecampingrush| |mrmitch361| ly guys.

I started getting responses about people shipping me and Bray or me and Mitch but I just rolled my eyes until I saw a response that made me smile from Brayden.

|thecampingrush| I love you too Cait

I then plugged my phone in and closed my eyes.


3 years ago

I was back in the hallway of my high school, I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. Things could not of been worse. I was quiet, I was scared of being hurt, I was depressed. I had two friends. I was the geeky girl that played mine craft, and made youtube videos. Brayden and Mitch, were my best friends for as long as I could could remember. It was just us against the world. It was a particularly hard day, and I felt an anxiety attack coming on. I knew I had to find Bray. Just like a guardian angel there he was around the corner. I ran to him and gave him a hug and sighed. "What's wrong Cait?" "Nothing now." I looked up at him and smiled. "Okay" he said putting his arm around me. "Come on let's find Mitch and get to class." Having friends like them made everything better.

That's it for now, and I decided if you want to picture Caitlin, Andrea Russett is the person I'm using. I am going to try to update the story every Tuesday. Please leave comments and stuff because I love feedback. If you see any mistakes, like grammar for instance, just let me know. I want this story to be the best it can.

 I want this story to be the best it can

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