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Hi. I have nothing else to say so enjoy the chapter. 


Caitlin's POV

Later that night I went to go talk to Will about everything. We had to sneak somewhere because I knew Brayden was still mad at him. I went out back and saw him sitting under a tree in the backyard and walked over to him. "Hey." I said as I sat down. "Hi." He looked at me. "Listen-" We said at the same time. "You first." He told me. "Okay. I'm really sorry Will. I felt it too, but I didn't know you felt the same way, and now-"  "Brayden." He cut me off. "Yeah. Brayden." I sighed. "Cait." He said softly. "I get it. Okay? Brayden has been your friend for...?" "13 years." "13 years, and he is really important to you. We barely know each other and I'm not gonna be a douche and try to take you from Brayden. I'm not like that." "Thank you for saying that but I'm not the one that needs to hear it." I told him and he nodded. "Best friends?" I asked him. "Yes. I'd like that." He smiled as he gave me a hug. "Come on lets go talk to Brayden." I said standing up. "Okay." Will said taking a deep breath. 

We walked inside and Brayden was sitting in the kitchen. "Why were you two outside?" He asked angrily. "Brayden. Wait before you get mad just listen to Will. Please?" I told him as I walked over to him. "Fine." He huffed. "Bray." Will started. "You know that you are one of my best friends and yeah I had a crush on Caitlin, but I hope that we've been friends long enough for you to know that I would never do something like steal your girlfriend. Caitlin and I talked and we decided to just be best friends, so don't be mad if you see us together. Please." Will explained. Brayden looked at me and I gave him my puppy dog face. "Okay." He sighed. "I trust you." he said looking at Will. "Yay!" I smiled jumping into Brayden's arms. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. "Anything for you Cait." He whispered back, and I grinned. I looked over at Will while I hugged Brayden and gave him a thumbs up.

~~~time skip to day after the last day of pax aka monday~~~ 

We all headed to the airport, sad, but ready to leave. I was holding Brayden's hand while Mitch walked on my right. We had decided to all eat lunch together after we got through security. When we got to the restaurant we all sat down and talked about all of the memories we made at pax. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I confessed. "Same here." Zack said. "Aww I'm going to cry, I don't want to leave." I said as I started to tear up. Brayden put his arm around me and said, "it's okay, Vidcon is in 6 months then Minecon, so we'll see each other soon." Soon enough I heard the announcement for our flight. We had a layover in Chicago, so Zack, Liam, and Mark were all on our flight. 

By the time we were home it was late at night so I started to get ready for bed right away "Goodnight boys!" I screamed from my room while I got into bed. "Oh no you don't." Brayden said popping his head into my room. "What?" I asked. "Don't you want to sleep, in a completely APPROPRIATE way, with your boyyyyyfriend?" He asked giving me a pouty face. I laughed at how stupid he was the got up to go to his room. "Yes." He said to himself. "Do that again and I'll go sleep in Mitch's room instead." I joked. "You wouldn't?" He said back like he was hurt. "Watch me." I laughed as I walked into Mitch's room and jumped on top of him. "GET UPPPPP!" I screamed at him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He screamed back. "Nothing." I smiled then got up and walked back to Brayden. "You two are already annoying. "Sowwy Mitchy, We'll be good." Brayden said in a baby voice as we laughed then walked to Brayden's room. 

The next morning I woke up next to Brayden and smiled, I didn't think life could get any better. "Hi." Brayden whispered. "Hi." I said back. "Torture Mitch some more?" He asked. "Duh." I said hopping up out of bed and into Mitch's room. "MITCH IT IS MORNING AND YOU NEED TO AWAKEN!" I yelled. "I'm already in the kitchen you idiots." He said from the other room. "Dammit." I whispered under my breath. "What are you doing up so early?" I asked. "Making breakfast." He replied. "You? Making breakfast?" I asked confused, "Why don't I smell something delicious then. "Cause I just poured you bowls of cereal." He smirked picking up his bowl and walking to the couch. I rolled my eyes while Brayden and I got my bowl, so we could eat with him. "Thanks for breakfast." I smiled as Brayden and I sat on either side of Mitch. "No problem." He smiled back. Then the  we just sat in silence while our spoons clanked against our bowls. 


I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short and sorry it's late. I was having some problems with writers block but finally I got some ideas. Thanks for reading

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