Chapter 38

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Tia's POV

As I stood there watching the boys lark about on stage, I felt a sense of warmth rush through me. They all looked so so happy, James smashed a shaving cream plate in Beaus face, Luke pulled Daniels shorts down, and the fans loved it.
Even though there a schedule to each gig, every single one was different. That's what made them so special, and we'd made so many memories already.

But I still couldn't tell them what happened in the bathroom with Kelly, and the advice Joe gave me that night.

Every opportunity I got to tell Jai how I felt, she was there lurking behind the corner, shooting daggers at me with her eyes, pouring herself all over Jai, and every other boy that looked her up and down when he wasn't around.


I rushed round the corner with mine and Daniella's coffees, last night was a late one we were both up editing a video and we argued for 3 hours about the backing music. The boys were rehearsing at the venue and had an early start which woke us up in progress.
When you guessed it, walked into Kelly with another boy.

"Oh you're muscles are so huge through your shirt, how much do you lift?"
"Oh erm erm.."
"Well do you think you could lift me?"
"Yeah of course."
"What was your name again? Nat?"
"It's Nate."
"Oh sorry, well here's my number, I'm free tonight if you want to.. You know"
She kissed him passionately on the lips, well I wouldn't say a lovely kind of passionate. You could see tongue. Gross.

She got off his lap whilst he was still engrossed in her short skirt and push up bra, as she walked over to me.

"If you breathe a word of this to Jai, you know what will happen." She pushed my tray of coffee onto the floor and laughed.
"Oops better do another coffee run, oh and I'll have a cinnamon spiced latte." And she strutted off in her heels clacking on the floor to find another boy to grind on. Whilst I was left in a puddle of coffee. Fab.
Who even likes cinnamon spiced lattes anyway?

End of flashback

Jai deserved so much better.

We'd be on tour for 4 weeks now, but I just couldn't get the words to form inside my mouth, I wanted to tell him everything, how much I missed him, how much of a bitch Kelly is. And how much I love him.

As the thought of me telling him this was pictured in my mind, I saw him look at me from onstage and wink. I couldn't help but blush, it was like whenever he made the smallest gesture it sent rollercoasters off in my belly.

Butterflies Tia, butterflies.

The boys took a quick and messy bow for their interval and ran off to each side. Jai ran straight towards me, picking me up and swirling me around.

"Did you see us Tee, the crowd loved it! They were joining in and laughing and everything!" He put me down, "I'm so glad I get to experience this with you." I felt my cheeks redden and I looked to the side.

"Hey come with me," I followed Jai into a small storage cupboard, I flicked the light on and Jai instantly flicked it off. I flicked it back on, he flicked it back off, forcing me back into the wall and covering the light switch.

"Hey what are you doing?" I giggled and could just make out the toned outline of his body. Him and the boys had been working out a lot more recently to keep up with the fast working pace of the shows, and you could definitely see an improvement.

"Remember that time, in mine and Luke's room?" His voice was husky and smooth, and his words seemed to linger against my skin making it tingle. Why did he have this effect on me?

"Mhm" I couldn't help but smile, it was the time when I came back and we both ended up in the twins room. I couldn't help but remember how the moonlight made shadows on his perfect features. I gulped, my throat was closing up about the small space me and the gorgeous boy infront of me were standing in.

"I miss you Tee, I can't get you out of my head, and I know it's wrong but it just feels so right,"  I was glad we were in the dark because my cheeks were burning. "Oh and I can tell you're blushing like mad right now." His hand cupped my cheek and slowly stroked it with his thumb whilst he chuckled. I couldn't get him off my mind either, whenever I sung on the tour it would be as if I'd just be singing to him not 10,000 fans.

But I had to stop, it wasn't ok.
"Jai... you're with Kelly, you're happy with her." However much we both knew that wasn't true and however much I wanted to let my body fall towards his and kiss him, I couldn't. I couldn't stoop to the level Kelly had done so many times in the past.

"Yes Jai,"
"I.. I.."

"2 MINUTES GUYS WHERE ARE YOU?!" One of the stage crew walked past the door and I froze into Jai's body.
I squealed in surprise but his finger fell on my lips to shush me.
"We'll continue this later," and right at that moment I felt his lips touch mine, so soft and gentle but making me crave more.

And then he slipped past me out of the door leaving me in the dark with my thoughts, the blackness and the screaming girls that echoed through backstage.

ok so I know it's a tad short, but still getting back into the swing of things. But I hope it went off with a bang for everyone!
next update tomorrow, thanks for all your support,

Much love x x

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