Chapter 19

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Tia's POV

I woke up to the sun peeping through my blinds. I turned over to see the time 9:30am, not too bad I guess? I turned back to laying on my back thinking about last night. It was great.. well until Beau nearly puked on me!

But I did kiss Jai.. well more make out with Jai... shit have I made things awkward.. we were meant to be taking things slow:/

I put the thought to the back of my mind and pulled myself out of bed. I walked over to the door and noticed a piece of paper shoved under it. I bent down to pick it up and smiled.

Goodmorning beautiful! I hope you're not too hungover?;) Get ready and join me downstairs for a fulfilled day out omg woo jaykay, but dress casual:)
see you soon, Jai x

Awwwwh!!! My smiled stayed glued to my face throughout the time I got ready. I chose to wear a pair of light blue jeans, a white singlet and some pink suede vans. I grabbed some bracelets to make my wrists look a bit less bare and grabbed a pink cardi.

I applied minimal makeup, a bit of concealer, eyeliner and mascara as my face was pretty clear from blemishes woohoo! I straightend my hair and tied half of it up whilst the rest hung past my shoulders.

I checked myself once again in the mirror before brushing my teeth and heading down to meet Jai. Ohmygod I already have a feeling this day will be perfect!

Jai's POV

I heard her coming downstairs, I've been up for a while.. I was just so nervous! I mean, we made out last night and now I'm taking her out on a date..

I know we were supposed to be taking things slow, but how can I? I don't want her getting snatched by some other guy, who's probably better than me. I had to show her I cared! I had to show her I would make the perfect boyfriend material for her.. Just have to make today perfect.

'Hey Jai' I spun round and looked at her beaming at me. Her pearly white smile, her big greeny/blue eyes. Her hair.. her hair?! I spluttered and she shot me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" I couldn't tell her.. but then it would be on my mind all day!

"You're hair..." She started to feel over the top of it, obviously thinking I was saying there was something in it.

"It looks like Ariana's.." She froze and regret flashed across her face. 

"I'm so sorry Jai. I had no idea, I'll just run up and change it!" Shit, I'm such an idiot. I picked her up on something my ex used to do?! I'm supposed to be over her! And I'm supposed to be liking Tia! 

"No, don't change it! It's different but similar.. but it makes you look gorgeous!" What am I doing, I'm a right prat. I face palmed myself earning a giggle from Tia who caught on how nervous I was.

"Okay, well how about we get off?" She smiled at me, as if the past 2 minutes never happened.. That's what I love about her, she can let things go so easily even if I make myself look stupid. 

We left the house, our arms linked and I lead her down the road to the train station. We made small talk, which was slightly awkward but I couldn't risk giving anything away! The train journey was in silence, and I noticed Tia getting nervous, she was fiddling with her thumbs - classic sign. I put my hands over hers at an attempt to calm her down, which succeeded. I looked up and her and flashed her a smile before putting a bit of her hair behind her ear. She blushed and looked away, but not fast enough for me to put my hand to her cheek moving her face towards mine and pressing a light kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry, today will be perfect!" I whispered and she responded by lightly kissing me back. 

The train came to a stop and we made our way out of the station, our hands linked. The day hadn't even properly started, but I could already tell it was going to be perfect!

It Started With An Anonymous Message - Jai Brooks Janoskian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now