Chapter 37

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Jai's POV

The rest of the bowling went reeaaaalllyyy slowly, I didn't have my usual only strikes, my shots were poor and I was lucky to knock 6 pins down. 

When Tia said she was ill, I could instantly tell that wasn't what was wrong. And when Dani pointed out the red mark on her cheek I saw a look in her eyes I'd never seen before. 

She looked like a rabbit in front of headlights, frozen and scared. I thought I'd be keeping her safe, the flash of panic soon disappeared when she said she hit it on a toilet door. 

Now even though, we all know that it is common for Tia to be capable of silly things like that, the pieces of the puzzle just didn't fit together.

She left in such a rush, I couldn't even ask if she was okay. Just us two. God I loved her so much, I just can't get rid of Kelly. Yes I realise how easy it is to dump a girl but Kelly's different, she has a side to her that I'm sure she'll be showing if something bad happened. 

We all decided to head home, the lively group that we were when we arrived had disintegrated. We all cared for Tia, me especially. 

'I'll check on her when we get back to the hotel, probably not a good idea for you to do it with you know who about..' Joe's arm was round me as he said that. I looked up at him and smiled. 

'Cheers bro, I just wanna know she's okay!' I looked up at Kelly who was on her phone, oblivious to everyone else in the group. 

We said our goodbyes to Joe, Alfie, Zoe and Caspar and went our separate ways to the cars.

Please, I hope she's okay. 

Tia's POV

I heard a small knock at the door, and I got up from my bed and walked across to open it. Joe smiled at me.

'Now, we both know you didn't leave because you were feeling sick.' I stood to the side letting him in before shutting the door and moving back to the comfy bed. 

'Let's get started shall we?' he said, handing me a bar of chocolate, I smiled up at him. 

And then I spilled everything, from the first time I met Kelly, to catching her cheating, to the moonlight conversation, the garden incident, and then most recently the bowling one. 

Somehow I could tell Joe everything, he was just one of those people I put complete trust in. 

He sat there quietly for a few seconds after I finished my long ramble.

'You need to tell him Tia.'

'I can't, I told you what she said about the fans!'

'You're stupid to believe that the fans actually prefer her over you, I can't help you out when you go on tour, I won't be here for you for 3 weeks.

You have to tell him your feelings, and everything that his girlfriend is doing to you? You can't let her put you down, and you can't let him think that there is nothing is going on... we all see the looks and flirting you do with eachother.. you still both care! Sort it out before this monster makes things even worse!'

The rest of the evening was spent chilling eating food and watching rental movies. I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders now I had told someone, but now putting talk into action I don't know...


We all met outside the hotel with our luggage packed and smiles on our faces ready to start the tour.

I had a mixture of questions asking if I was feeling better to which I simply replied with a smile and a nod, but still feeling peaky.

Beau and Daniel were hyper, they clearly had overdosed on the sugar intake that morning. And Kelly was all over Jai, making my stomach churn as if I was actually going to be sick.

The boys management arrived and Jai managed to somehow strip himself from Kelly.

'Hi guys, the transport arrangements will be talked about in a moment, but we've had a change of plan about how we would like the shows to run. Tia,'

Everyone turned to look at me and I looked up now listening fully to the conversation that I had been trying to zone out of.

'We'd like you to do a couple of songs each show, to warm up the fans a bit. Seeing as you've had such a big response on your YouTube and Twitter we thought it was only right to give you some of the limelight and Daniella seems to be fine with it.'

'Absolutely, Tia you shouldn't miss this opportunity!' my bestfriend beamed at me grabbing hold of my hand and squeezing it slightly.

The group seemed to be sending me smiles of encouragement so I felt the corners of my mouth lift up into a grin and my head nodding in response.

We all made a group hug and started laughing and cheering just like we used to be.

Management seemed to drone on about behavioural standards and transport

bla bla bla..

Joe pulled my arm and took me to the side. 'Remember to tell him your feelings Tee before its too late!'

'I will, I promise! See you in a few weeks?'


Alfie came to join and I gave him a tight hug before we all got called to pile on the bus.

I was now getting generally excited, singing to hundreds, messing around with my favourite people, and maybe just maybe getting back together with the boy I'm in love with.

Fingers crossed.

I can't apologise enough, and I don't have good enough excuses other than big writers blocks (hence the smallish chapter) and being so so busy with life in general!

But I'm back and they should be updates more regularly now I swear!:)))

thanks for all the loving support I really don't deserve you lot!
much love!x x x

It Started With An Anonymous Message - Jai Brooks Janoskian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now