Chapter 31

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Tia's POV

I sat there, phone in hand. What do I do?! Does he know I'm online? Do I message him? Will he message me? Oh God what if he's looking at me being online and I just go offline?! Ah shit what to do what to do...

"Tia, DINNER!" I left my phone on my bed, app still on my screen. I'll hold it out.. or so he'll think I am!

Jai's POV

Ah shiittt, err? Should I ask how she's doing? God she's online and probably waiting for me to make the first move! Ughhh!


I put my phone on the coffee table, app still open, and went to open the door. There she was, long blonde hair falling down her shoulders only slightly covering her exposed breasts that were pushed up so much they almost reached her chin, I swear. Tight short shorts and a crop top showing her belly bar. Why the fuck am I doing this?!

"Hey boo" I fought the urge to cringe at her voice. 
"Er hi, come in?" Without answering she pushed past me to go sit on the sofa. I saw Beau come downstairs and looked at me with a shamed face before going into the kitchen to go and get a drink. 
I sat down on the sofa but as far away as possible from Kelly. I looked at her and picked up so many differences between her and Tia, I mean for starters she's blonde, but her hair just falls, Tia's flowed and framed her face. She hardly wore makeup and if she did it wasn't really visible instead of the oompa loompa infront of me. Although Tia did wear short shorts a few times, and wow did she look good, she was always modest about her figure and never really realised how good she looked whereas Kelly thinks she's hot.. automatically making her unattractive.

Seriously Jai why are you sitting with her, inviting her over, TALKING TO HER?!
"So I was thinking, maybe we could go see a movie and you could ask your brothers to be out the house by the time we're back?" She moved closer to me as I started leaning back. She walked her fingers up my chest until she reached my chin. I gulped, I've never been in this kind of situation before... and I don't think I really like it. But my body thought differently and before I knew it.

"Let's go!" I got up and started walking towards the door, her hurrying behind me in some loud heels. Why am I doing this? Why can't I stop myself? 

Tia's POV

'So how long are you staying here for Tee?'  Tee, that's what he called me..
'Tia?' I shook out of my day dream and turned to face my mum.
'Sorry, what?'
'How long are you staying for sweetie?' 
'Erm, well at the latest until the tour starts, but its gonna be Dani's birthday before so I make go back as a surprise?' 
'Oh darling that sounds like a great idea! Do you want me to talk to.. Gina? Is that her name?' 
I laughed, 'yeah mum haha, I think you'll get on with her actually!' 
'Well if you give me her number I'll give her a buzz tomorrow yeah?' I nodded with a smile on my face, that would shorten my time here for only another 3 weeks?! I really miss those guys, even Jai. 

'But anyway, tonight we're going to your uncles for the evening so wear something nice you know what he's like!' We both laughed, my uncle always had these big gatherings, meant to be family only but always turned out to be massive! His sons always dressed casually but he'd always frown if I turned up in jeans! 

I finished dinner and ran upstairs to get ready, mentally picking what I was going to wear before I'd even reached my room. 

*2 hours later* 

We'd been here for about half an hour and it was already packed! I hadn't actually said hello to anyone and mum walked off leaving me on my lonesome, jee thanks! 
I decided on wearing an aztec skater skirt which showed off my now tanned legs, and a white crop top. It didn't look slutty, and for once I felt pretty! 

'Hey tiglet' I turned round to greet my cousin, the one I'd spent a lot of my time with recording! 
'Heey!' I gave him a tight hug.
'You look nice! You trying to impress some rich boy?' He joked and I laughed.
'No, but you know what your dad's like!' 
'Yeah I do know, very well! Hey come say hello to my mates, you'll fit right in!' 
We walked over to a group of boys outside sitting round a small woodburner. There were 3 of them, 2 I recognised from being with the other day at the beach. 

'Tia you know Ryan and Conor,' I waved and smiled and they did the same back. 'And this is Joe.' He actually looked pretty familiar.. very attractive! I smiled and he gave me a smile and nod. 

Alfie, my cousin, pulled up a chair for me and I sat down, listening in on the conversation. 
'So have you uploaded the video to youtube yet?' Ryan asked. 
'No, I haven't had the time! I wanted to wait for a bit though!' 
'What video's this?' Joe asked his blue eyes locked with mine. 
'Ah Tia, me and the guys recorded some music the other day and made a video and she was gonna upload it to youtube!' Alfie interupted the intense staring. I shot my eyes back to the fire, but I could still feel the burning on my cheek.. not from the fire!

'I'm just going to get a drink guys!' I got up from the chair and walked back inside, I could feel someone behind me but chose not to turn around and just pretend I didn't notice. 
I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. 
'Do you remember me?' I turned round almost spilling the contents of my glass all over me. 
'You seem familiar.. but to be honest no?' 
'We went to primary school together you idiot, me, you and Alfie all used to do everything together..' 
'YOU'RE THAT JOE?!' I screamed with excited! Floods of memories came flowing back from the first few years of primary school! I put my glass down and gave him a hug. 'I thought I'd never see you again!?' I was so shocked!
'I moved back here for college, I heard you went to good ol' Austrailia?' 
'Yeah, I'm back for a short while! But seriously I can't believe you're here!' 
'We have a lot of catching up to do!' 

Throughout the night I just sat with Joe talking about what we've been up to and reminising memories. He seemed to have done so well! He'd started a youtube channel and had gotten quite big from it, he didn't live far away from me right now and we'd arrange to meet up before I left. He was actually touring Europe with Alfie and some other youtubers, so we may bump into eachother when I go on tour with Dani and the boys!

The night from then seemed to go so quickly and before I knew it me and mum were leaving, I'd made sure I exchanged numbers with Joe and the boys that I seemed to get on with as if they were brothers!

'Did you have a nice time love?'
'Yeah a great one mum! But I'm gonna be having a nice lay in tomorrow!'
'Wish I could join you on that one! I'll probably be at work by the time you're up so I'll see you when I get home?'
'Okay mum, goodnight!'

I went to sleep really easily. No worries, just remembering memories from my childhood with Joe. Not a care in the world!


Again, sorry for not uploading in ages but I've got a revision free day so I'm just writing loads and loads of chapters!:) 
Hope you're enjoying it!

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It Started With An Anonymous Message - Jai Brooks Janoskian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now