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momday morning meaning hell. i get ready and go downstairs.

"bye mom, dad" i say walking past them.

"love you" they both say.

"love you too" i say grabbing my keys.

i get to my car and pick alanah and lauren up cause we take turns taking each other to school.

we get to school and i get out the car and see the big crowd of people like always but the only thing catching my mind was those brown eyes.

matthew was sitting in the back of his truck with his friends.

he sees me and smirks i roll my eyes and kept walking, i'm still pissed at him about this tutoring shit.

"did i tell you i have to tutor matthew now?" i say whining.

"no, why" alanah says surprised.

"cause his mom asked my mom about my grades and wanted to me, i was like matthew probably doesn't want me to, but he was like i don't mind so now im stuck doing it"

"well at least you with him now" lauren says smirking.

"he probably just wants to get in my pants"

"we'll see" i say and then we had to go our separate ways and go to our lockers.

i was just about to go to my locker when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me in their chest.

"get the fuck off me" i yell.

whoever it was took me to the hallway no one i mean no one goes in its the hallway down to the library

i smacked they're hand really hard.

"OW! what the fuck! summer!"

oh my god its matthew

i turn around and look at him he just stared at me but then starts laughing.

"you thought I was going to rape you, I mean yea i'd fuck you senseless, but i rather do it the right way" he says smirking, making my cheeks heat up.

"shut up asshole,let me through" isay trying to get away from him.

"hey, don't forget our little study session tonight at my house" he says.

"we agreed it would be at the library" i said pointing to the library.

"we did? oh well it's too late now i told my mom we were doing it there"

"you're such a asshole" i say walking away not even getting ten steps before getting pulled into his waist.

my breath hitches at his touch. he looks at my lips.

"you have such pretty lips but very dirty words." he says huskily.

he pulls me in kissing i kissed back he asks for entrance i accept.

he starts to drag his hands up my sides making me moan soon going to my bra and the bell rings interrupting us.

"i have to go" I say.

"aww is my little baby gonna be late for class" matthew says.

"shut up"

Hi babes <3

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love yall!

~ summer

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